Chapter 12

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*Aaliyah's POV*

When we get back to the house the red stain on the carpet is gone and the boys are sitting on the couch watching TV. They turn and look at us,smiling, when we come in. It isn't like a welcoming smile,it's a kind of creepy one and I wish they would stop.

"Stop," I say,speaking my thoughts,"you're creeping me out."

They all burst out laughing,"I told you it would scare her!" Harry says and I roll my eyes.

"It did not scare me! How would you like it if you walked into a house and four guys were staring at you like they were fixing to kill you?"

They all shrug and turn back to the tv. I walk up the stairs and into my room,plopping down on my bed and grabbing my phone. I unlock it and decide to text the boy from McDonald's.

(A- Aaliyah B- Boy from McDonald's)

A- hey it's me,the girl that was a Mcd's this morning

B- oh,the cute one? Cool,my name is Chase btw

I slightly blush at being called cute,but I quickly reply.

A- um....I guess? Idk. And my name is Aaliyah.

B- Pretty name for a pretty girl. I've gtg,got to work,but I'll txt you when I'm off!

And that was the end of our conversation. I was slightly flustered at Chase thinking I'm cute. I mean,I'm not. I have dull blue eyes and pin straight brown hair with slight red tint that has no life or volume. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. How could he think I was cute?

I pick up a piece if my normal hair. I'm tired of it. It's just the same old thing. I drop the piece and make a decision that would change my whole look,and me.


I walk into the store with my hood pulled up over my face. Fans know what I look like now so I'm always getting recognized and asked if I can them the boy's autographs. I always say no,politely,then get a disgusted look.

I get what I need and go back home,rushing up to my room. The boys aren't home,but I needed to get this done before they get home. I read the instructions on the box and start to follow them,doing everything it says to.

When I finally finishing take a piece of my newly black hair in between my forefinger and thumb,twisting it slightly. I smile examining my new hair,I look totally different. Older even.

I hear the front door spam shut and I rush down the stairs to see the boys laying on the couch and the floor. I walk past them,towards the kitchen,"hey guys," I say then walk into the kitchen.

I get a lazy 'hey' back then silence,"Aaliyah! Get back in here!" I smirk walking back into the living room seeing all the boys now sitting up and looking at me wide-eyed. Louis stands up and walks towards me,picking up some of my hair like he's trying to figure out if its real.

"What did you do?" He asks dropping my hair and stepping back to look at my new hair.

"I dyed it," I say and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Duh. I meant why?"

"Because I was tired of the same look. I wanted something new."

"Fine. If you want it like that,I'm not going to yell at you." He sighs,rubbing his temples as if he has a headache. He probably does,they were just at a photo shoot and after they come back at least one of them have a headache. They tell me they love doing them,it's just annoying listening to somebody tell them how to stand half the time.

"why did you really do it?" a deep Irish voice says,snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up to see that Niall and I are the only ones on the room now.

"what I told Louis is what I really meant," I say emphasizing the really like he did.

"but why did you want to change?"

"I told you,what I told Louis-"

"There's got to me something more than that."

"There's not." I huff and walk up the stairs before he can reply. I get up tp my room and realize I forgot my phone downstairs. I go back down the stairs to see Niall sitting on the couch. On my phone.

"what are you doing?" I say,taking my phone from him. He looks at me with pain and anger in his expression.

"who's Chase?!" He practically yells and I flinch at his loudness.

"He's the boy that was at McDonald's this morning."

"so that's why you changed? for a boy that you don't even know?" he asks,his tone softer than before.

"of course not." I half lie,it was true I did change for Chase,but also because I tired of my boring self.


I don't say anything else,I just run up the stairs with tears threatening to fall. I shouldn't have let that one word break me down,but it did,even though its true. I used to be blamed things on a lot when I was in the adoption center,and every time I said it wasn't me,somebody would call me a liar. 

I get into my room and lam the door shut,locking it as I do. I slide down the door as I hear a knock on it,"Aaliyah,I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Niall's Irish accent comes through the door and I shake my head,standing up. I walk over to the door that connects our rooms and lock that door too.

I walk to the bathroom and shut the door. I let the tears fall and I don't hold back the sobs that come out of my mouth. I hear multiple knocks on my bedroom door,but I ignore them,hoping Niall will go away soon. 


HI!!! Sorry I didn't update for a while! Hope you like this chapter!

soooooo....I have a new book! It's called Love Doesn't Die and its inspired by Love Don't Die by The Fray. Please check out the story and vote! I also need a cover so I'm either going to make one or I might have a contest idk. but thanks for reading!


comment 'Black Rose' if you read all this and are going to check out my new story!

xx - C




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