Chapter 10

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I go back downstairs with Harry after we talk and I see all the boys sitting on the couch. I sit beside Niall and Harry sits beside Liam,leaving me squished at the end of the couch,"so...what should we do?" Niall asks breaking the boing silence.

Everybody shrugs before Louis suddenly stands up,"I know!" He yells and everybody looks at him,"let's play truth or dare!"

Everybody agrees and we get into a circle on the floor,"okay who's first?" Liam asks looking around the circle.

"ME!" Louis yells from beside me,making me flinch. He gives me an apologetic look then look around the room before his eyes land in Zayn,"Zayn,truth or dare?"

"Dare?" He says but it comes out as a question,almost as if he was afraid to pick dare.

"I dare you to get on twitter and tweet that you and Perrie broke up." Louis says and I give him a questioning look. Twitter? What the crap is twitter? Niall looks at me wide-eyed from the other side of me.

I look away from Niall's bright blue eyes and to Zayn to see him on his phone typing something and looking worried. He finishes typing and sets his phone on the floor and it immediately starts vibrating on the floor. He turns it on silent before looking around the room,"Liam,truth or dare?"

"Truth" Liam replies smiling as Zayn rolls his eyes.

"have you killed over thirty people?"

"Yes,you know I have,but I wish I didn't have to." Liam sighs then completely forgets about the subject. He looks around the room until his eyes land on Harry,"Harry,truth or dare?"

"Uh,dare." Harry says unsure.

"I dare you trade clothes with Zayn."

The two boys sigh before going upstairs and coming back down a few moments later,wearing each other's clothes. It looked quiet funny.

The two boys sit back down and Harry looks at me," Aaliyah, truth or dare?"

"truth," I say with no hesitation.

"if you had to choose one of us to date who would it be?"

" dude! I adopted her, you guys are basically her uncles! And she's a lot younger than us!" Louis yells looking at Harry like he's crazy.

"okay, if you didn't adopt her and we were friends and she was the same age as us and she had to choose." Harry replies smirking slightly. Everybody looks at me expectantly and I sigh. I didn't have to think about it, but I also didn't want to say it out loud.

" Niall," I barely whisper and everybody looks confused.

" a little louder love," Harry says confused as the other boys.

" Niall." I say a bit louder, looking down. I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks and I look up slightly to see all the boys smiling except for Niall, who's staring at me with his cheeks just as red as mine.

We all sit in silence until Niall speaks up," I think we should do something different... How about we watch a movie?"

Everybody agrees and we end up watching Paranormal Activity. I haven't really been paying attention to the movie,I've mostly been thinking. Would I really date Niall?

About half way through the movie I stand up,"I'm going to my room. I'm tired."

I go up the stairs before anybody can reply. I sit on my bed thinking until my door opens slowly and Zayn's head pops in,"can I talk to you?"

I nod and he walks in my room,closing the door. He sits down on my bed beside me,"I know you like Niall."

I look at him in surprise,"but I don't like Niall...well more than a friend at least."

"Yes you do,I can control your and feel your emotions. Everytime you walk into a room with him I feel the attraction you have toward him. You may not feel it yet,but I do." he says and I shake me head.

"I won't believe it until I feel it,but thank you,I guess." I say and hug him. He leaves afterward and I lay down on my bed. Did I really like Niall?

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