Chapter 4

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I open my eyes and roll over to look at the time. 9:13 AM. I sigh and get out of my bed realizing that I fell asleep in the clothes that I wore yesterday. I quickly change into a navy blue shirt that says 'I'm awesome. Deal with it.' in white letters with a pair of denim shorts.

I brush my hair and take a deep breath before unlocking my door and walking out of it. As soon as I step out somebody pulls me down the hallway and into their room and sat me on their bed. I look up to see Louis,Liam,and Niall standing in front of me. Fear spreads through my body. Are they going to do what they did to that girl to me?

Niall's gaze on me softens when I think that and is replaced is a horrified expression but it goes away just as fast as it came. Louis kneels down in front of me and I look down,"what did you see last night in Harry's room?" Louis says calmly.

My heartbeat starts to race,"nothing." I lie clasping my hands together.

"I know you're lying,Aaliyah. We just want to know what you saw."

I try to get my heartbeat back to normal before answering,"I didn't see anything." I look up to see both boys looking at Niall. He shakes his head and they turn back to me. Louis sighs as he stands up and walks to the other boys. They start to whisper but I can't hear what they're saying. Finally they stop whispering and Louis and Liam leave the room leaving me and Niall alone.

Niall walks over and sits down beside me. I instantly look down at my clasped hands and sigh. Why do they want to know? They know what I saw so why are they asking me?

"We're not going to hurt you,we just want to know what you saw so you don't get hurt." Niall says from beside me. I don't know why,but I feel like I can trust Niall,even though we have never talked to each other,and I can tell him what I saw. But I don't.

"I didn't see anything." I lie again but I see Niall shake his head out the corner of my eye.

"I know you saw something," He sighs,"you can trust me."

That's when I decide I should tell him. If I keep lying,I'll probably just be here longer. I sigh and decide to tell Niall what I saw. Or half of it.

"I saw a girl." I spill and Niall leans towards me a little.

"What else?"

"She was tied to a chair." I decide that's all I'm going to tell him but he wasn't finished.


"That's all."

"I know it's not,there's more to what you saw,isn't there?" He asks and I hesitantly nod.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say thinking about the blood. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it so I'm surprised I didn't pass out when I saw her covered in it.

"I need to know,please tell me." Niall pleads and I give in.

"She had blood on her neck." I say quickly and quietly. Niall sighs as he stands up. He leaves the room,leaving me alone,but after a few minutes the door opens to reveal Louis. He walks over to me and sits down where Niall had been just five minutes before.

"Niall told us that you saw the girl with the blood on her you know why she had blood on her neck?" He asks looking slightly worried. I shake my head slowly and Louis sighs,"okay,well,you'll find out later. For now just don't worry about it and go get some breakfast."

I nod and stand up. I walk out of the room but instead of going downstairs I go to my room to be alone for a few minutes. I lock the door when I get inside and sit on my bed trying to process what happened in the last few days.

First,I was adopted,after five years of being in the adoption center,by One Direction. Second,they know about part of my past and third,there was something different about them. And I'm going to find out,if it kills me or it doesn't.


thanks for reading!





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