Chapter 15

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*Aaliyah's POV*

Me on Niall sit on the couch together watching tv. We are still in Paris and most of the tv channels are in French. I don't understand what it's saying,but Niall seems to somehow. He suddenly starts laughing,still looking at the tv,and also the actress does too.

"Do you speak French?" I ask confused.

He nods,"When you're a vampire and you have nothing to do,you learn things you never though you would before."

I nod a little and out my headphones in,turning on Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides,turning it all the way it up. I feel myself starting to fall asleep as a slower song comes on. My head falls onto Niall's shoulder and I feel cold lips press to the side of my neck. I instantly tense up and lean back up,moving away and not looking at Niall. I know he wouldn't hurt me on purpose,but thinking about last time he was near my neck,I want him as far as possible.

"Are you afraid of me to be near your neck?" I hear his voice,even though the music drowns out most of it. I take out the headphones and look in his direction,but not directly at him.

"" I reply and he puts a cold finger under my chin,making me look at him.

"I know you're lying. That one time I wasn't myself,I hadn't went hunting in days. I regret that every time I think about it."

"Im not afraid...just cautious," I say and stand up. I walk to my temporary room that I've been staying in and lay down on the bed,texting Chase.

(A-Aaliyah C-Chase)

A- hey

C-hey did you fall off the side of the Earth? Where have you been?

A- you aren't going to believe it,but Paris.

C- wow really?

A- yup.

C- cool hey when you get back do you want to go on a date with me?

He just asked me on a date. Why? He's so hot and I'm so not.
A- sure.

He doesn't answer after that. I stay in my room until Louis calls me to dinner. I walk to the kitchen and look at the table to see new faces,but also a non new face. Perrie Edwards.

"Oh my god! You're Perrie! It's you!" I say and everyone looks at me. All the boys and Perrie smile,and the blonde girl gets up.

"You must be Aaliyah. Zayn told me you were a fan. It's so nice to finally meet you!" She says hugging me. Her hug is warm and not the cold ones I'm used to,so I know she's not a vampire. Thank god.

She finally pulls away and turns around,not even jumping the slightest bit when Zayn is less than an inch from her. She must be used to it. A brown headed girl with blue eyes walks over to me and smiles,"I'm Eleanor,and technically,you're adopted mother. I'm dating Louis." She smiles and also wraps me in a warm hug.

"It's nice to meet the both of you." I say,but on the inside I'm freaking out. I didn't know what to say to either of them and they're both so beautiful,I feel completely and utterly normal standing beside them.

The doorbell rings breaking my thoughts and Niall immediately jumps up to answer it. He opens the door to reveal a girl with brownish red hair and brown eyes. To say she was beautiful was an underestimate.

Niall smiles at the girl then leans forward and kisses her.


Hey peeps! Please don't kill me! This is short!

And when I say Niall kissed her neck while she was like half asleep I don't mean anything more than like a brother or sister!

So,I was looking through my story and realized I never finished chapter 10. I'm going to finish it then update it and I'll let you know when that happens so if you want to reread that or you're confused that will help a lot!

Also I'm almost at 2k!

Xx -C




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