chapter 13

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*Aaliyah's POV*

It's been hours since I stopped crying and Niall stopped trying to get into my room. I realized that crying for being called a liar is stupid,so I stopped,but I couldn't face Niall yet. I don't care that he went through my phone or called me a liar. I care that he yelled at me.

It hurt me that he yelled,it hurt more than when he bit because that could be healed,but this hurt emotionally. He didn't yell a lot,but only a little can break me. My stomach growls,breaking my thoughts,and I stand up. I walk to the door and unlock it,peeking out to see no one. It is about midnight so none of the boys should be awake.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to,thankfully,see none of the boys again. I walk to the cabinet and get a granola bar. I sit down at the bar stool and look down at my hands as I chew. I don't realize that anyone had come in until they speak,"Aaliyah," an Irish accent says,making me jump.

I look up to see Niall standing in the doorway. He sees my red,swollen eyes and guilt washes over his features,"I'm sorry-" I shake my hand and stand up to throw my wrapper away. As soon as my feet hit the floor I'm wrapped in Niall's arms,"I'm so sorry...please forgive me."

I wiggle out of his grip and walk to the trash can and throw the wrapper away. When I turn back around I see Niall less than an inch away from me. I walk past him,but he grabs my arm,"say something!" He growls loudly.

I jump at his sudden harsh tone and try to yank my arm out of his grip,but he tightens his grip. He gazes at me intently,"let me go" I say and his tight grip instantly loosens. I yank my arm away and walk out of the kitchen. I pass very tired looking Louis at the top of the stairs and his eyes widen when he sees me. He follows me into my room and shuts the door behind him.

"Okay,what happened? I know Niall was down there." He says sitting down beside me on my bed.

"Nothing. He just wanted to talk,but I didn't,so I left." I reply simply,even though it wasn't. He nods and bids me goodnight then leaves. I'm again left alone in my treacherous thoughts in the silent room. After what seems like hours I hear the front door downstairs slam shut.

I either other doors shut and I stand up. I go downstairs to see four of the boys there. And no Niall.


Hey people! Finally got my update! I actually updated fast this time!

I hope you liked this chapter!

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Thanks for reading!!

xx -C




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