Chapter 17

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I hear the front door close downstairs and I go to my window,quickly and quietly opening it. I look down at the yard to see Chloe walking from the door. I wait until she's far enough then drop from the window and land in a crouch,even though I was on the second level the drop was small.

I sneak through the shadows,stalking the too-nice girl.

I watch her white dress flow behind her as she pulls her sweater closer to her body. I hear a snap from below me and look down to see a stick broke in half beneath my foot. I look back up to see Chloe froze and looking around. I get deeper into the shadows as she looks near me,"hello? Is someone there?" She says but when she gets silence she cautiously start walking again.

I stay in the darker shadows and watch my steps. She finally stops near an alley and looks around as if she's waiting for someone. Maybe she is. My theory is answered correctly as a man a bit older than her steps out of the shadows and kisses her cheek,"I missed you. Did you get anything from that Nathan guy?"

"His name is Niall,but yes. I got this," Chloe relies,pulling as expensive watch out of her purse. The man takes it and admires it,"be careful. It's got to be worth at least a thousand if not more."

"Oh,I will. I'm so glad I have you." The man says and wraps an arm around her waist,pulling her closer. He kisses her and I look away,running through the shadows once again and back to the hotel. I climb up a rose bush fence thing that's on the side of the wall. I obviously didn't know what it was called.

When I get into my room I quietly close the window and turn around only to come face to face with Niall. I jump back slightly,"where were you?"

"No where." I say simply,looking away from his bright eyes. I'll crack if I look at them,I know it.

"You're lying. What were you doing?" He asks with slight anger in his voice.


I feel a cold finger under my chin as Niall makes me look at him,"look me in the eye and tell me that then." I look into his eyes and stay silent. He sighs and takes a step back,"what were you really doing?"

"It's none of your business," I say and walk away from the window. I walk over to my bed and pick up my phone to see several texts from Chase and a couple missed Facetimes and calls. I sigh and text him saying that I'll call him later.

Suddenly a white hand goes out and jerks my phone away,"Aaliyah,you need to listen! I've been talking for the last 2 minutes and you haven't heard a thing!" Niall takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He opens them back after a moment,"You don't need to go out on your own. Especially in an unfamiliar area like Paris."

I don't say anything,knowing it's true. I could have gotten lost and never seen him or the boys ever again. I sigh and he nods,hearing my thoughts,"I'm not mad at you,just don't do that again."

He leaves without saying anything else and as I hear footsteps on the stairs I dive for my phone in my bed. I call Chase and he answers on the third ring,right before I'm about to hang up,"hey,sorry,Niall was in my room. Before that I was doing something."

"It's fine,but um...when are you coming back?" He asks and I smile,knowing he's talking about our date.

"I don't know,probably some time this week." I reply and I hear a faint yell in the back ground.

"That's great,but I've got to go. It's past midnight and I was supposed to be in the bed two hours ago."

"Okay,bye Chase."


The line goes dead and set my phone down thinking about the past month. Lots of things have happened. Being adopted by vampires,being mobbed,being depressed,going to Paris. I know this is just the beginning of my little adventure.


I almost have 3k reads.

I love you guys!

xx -C




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