Chapter 8

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I run,faster than I ever have before,from the monster me chasing me. I look back to see I'm not being chased by the demon anymore,so I stop and lean against a tree and try to catch my breath. Moments after I lean against the tree,I'm pinned to it. I look up to meet blazing red eyes and tears instantly come to my eyes. This is it. I'm going to die.

"Don't cry,it will only hurt for a second,then you'll be like me and we can be together forever." It says in an Irish accent,wiping my tears with its thumb,but smirking at the same time. His sentence only causes more tears to flow as he leans into my neck.

The ends of its blonde hair tickle my cheek,but I don't move. I feel its cold lips press to my neck before a sharp pain and I know this is the end. No matter what it says,I know it will kill me. I look up to the blinding moon and that's the last thing I see before everything goes black.


I gasp as I open my eyes and am instantly pulled into somebody's arms,"shh,it was only a dream," The same Irish accent says. I try to move away from Niall,but fail.

"Get away! Let me go!" I yell pushing on his chest attempting to get out of his grip. He let's go and I move away from him. I scoot as far as I can away from the blonde boy and he stares at me sadly.

"Aaliyah,I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you," He says looking guilty,"and I promise nothing like that will ever happen to you. I won't let it." I nod a little,still not getting near him,and look down at my hands. I clasp my hands together as awkward silence fills the room until Niall breaks,"want to ask each other questions to get to know each other better?"

I nod again and Niall continues,"okay...what's your favorite color?"

"Blue." I mumble and I see Niall smile through my eyelashes.

"Mine too! Okay,now your turn."

I think for a minute before asking my question,"what's your favorite song?"

"Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra, (I found this in the internet I don't know if its right) what's your favorite band?"

I bite my lip,if I say Little Mix and not One Direction would it hurt his feelings? I do like One Direction,but I like Little Mix just a bit more,"One Direction,you guys have really good music." I half lie and Niall smirks.

"You know I can read your mind,right? It's not going to hurt my feeling that you like Little Mix more,I just want you to be honest with me,okay?" He says and I look at him wide-eyed. He can read minds? He nods and my mouth falls agape.

I stare at him for a few seconds before asking him my question,"how old are you?"

"20,"I put my eyebrows up and he rolls his eyes,"I'm not telling you my real age,you'll only be more afraid. You'll find that out after you trust us more. What's your favorite food?"

"I don't know,at the adoption center all we ate was bland cereal and sandwiches,and I don't remember the taste of things,but it used to be cheeseburgers." I frown,remembering how much I loved cheeseburgers. I haven't had it since perforce my mom died,and that was when I was six. After,I just ate at school,because my dad wouldn't feed me.

Niall stares at me shocked for a couple moments before grabbing my hand and standing up,pulling me up with him. He drags me out of my room,"where are we going?!" I say panicking slightly. We get to the stairs and Niall picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck so I don't fall as he quickly walks down the stairs.

"We're getting you a cheeseburger." He says setting me down at the bottom of the steps. He takes my hand again and pulls me out the front door and to a black range rover. (again,found this on the internet don't know if its right) He opens the passenger door for me and I climb in. I buckle my seat belt as Niall goes to the drivers side and starts the car.

A few minutes later we're speeding down the highway. The things around us are a blur as we pass and it looks like we're going really fast. Too fast. I look at the speed dial,"holy crap!" I yell and Niall looks at me worried.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I point at the speed dial.

"You're going almost 100!"

Niall chuckles,"Aaliyah,relax,I'm not going to wreck. I never have before and I usually go faster than this,I just didn't want to scare you." Not scare me? He's doing a perfect job of that.

I grip onto onto the seat and after a few minutes,we finally pull into a 24-hour McDonalds parking lot. We get out of the car and walk into McDonalds. The delicious smell fills my nose as soon as we walk through doors. We walk up to the tired-looking cashier and her eyes brighten when she sees Niall. She stands up straight from where she was leaning against the counter and fixes her too-blonde hair.

When we get closer I see her face is caked with makeup so her skin has a orange tint,"hello,what would you like to order?" She says in a fake high pitched voice,staring at Niall.

"Two cheeseburgers with a side of French fries." Niall says,ignoring her stares.

"That will be $5.47 (making up a price)" she says and Niall hands her the money and she hands him the receipt,winking as she does. He ignores her wink and walks to a booth in the corner. After minutes of silence,the blonde headed girl brings us the food. She leans on the table next to Niall,"how about me and you go out sometime? Or now,we ditch your little sister and go out to the movies."

I don't know why,but I feel a pang of jealousy go through me as she says that,"first of all,she's not my little sister,she's my best mate's adopted daughter. Second,I'm not ditching her for you." Niall says looking angry.

The blonde girl walks away frowning. I look at Niall to see him looking at me,"sorry,sometimes our fans can be...different." He says taking a bite out of his cheeseburger. I pick mine up and take a small bite out of mine and the flavor bursts in my mouth.

"Is it good?" Niall asks and I nod. He smiles and we continue to eat in silence. I eat the whole cheeseburger but that's all and Niall eats mine and his fries and his burger. By the time we get home the sun is starting to come up and when we get inside,Louis is pacing back and forth.

He stops when he sees us,"where have you been?!" He yells and his voice booms through the house and I flinch at the loudness.

"I took Aaliyah to McDonald,she hasn't had a cheeseburger since she was six." Niall say calmly and Louis looks at me.

"Is that true?" Louis asks and I nod. The room goes silent and I awkwardly shift from one leg to the other,"okay,well,if you go out in the middle of the night again,leave a note." Louis says and goes up the stairs. I hear a door slam shut and somebody yell 'shut up,I'm trying to sleep' before I turn to Niall.

"Thank you." I say giving him a small smile.

"No problem. Just remember,if you ever need anything,you can trust me." Niall smiles and I nod a little. I go up the stairs and go into my room,plopping down on my bed. There's one thing I learned today. I can trust Niall.


Sorry it took me so long! Hope you like it!

Thanks for reading!

xx -c




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