Chapter 14

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*Aaliyah's POV*

A month. It's been a whole month since the night that Niall called me a liar and a month since anybody has seen him.

Saying I was sad was an understatement. I was completely and utterly depressed. I missed Niall and his bubbly attitude,his Irish accent,and his bright blue eyes. The house was dull without him and it was like there was no color in the world anymore. Everyone was sad,but I was the worst. I barely ate or came out of my room,and if I did,I wouldn't talk to any of the boys. They gave up on talking to me 2 weeks after he had been gone. I would zone out at times and if anybody did say anything I didn't even hear it. I had nightmares of Niall leaving and killing me like I did before,but worse. I missed Niall.

Today was officially one month since he had been gone and I was in tears at everything that made me think of him. I was sitting on the couch with the boys,zoned out while watched tv when I heard Niall's name in the tv.

"Niall Horan," the announcer said,getting my attention instantly,"has been missing for one month. Reporters say he has not been seen in a month or has not updated is Twitter account,but today he was spotted in Paris. The exact location is not defined,but the reporter said,'he looked like he had been in a hurricane. His hair was a mess and he had an angry look that said not to come near him. A couple of girls recognized him,but did not go near him because of the look he gave them.' Girls all over the..."

My eyes widen and I stand up instantly,"he in Paris?!" The boys stare at the tv in shock also,but snap out it instantly,"we have to go! Liam,get plane tickets! Harry,Zayn,start packing! Louis-"

"We don't need all that stuff. We can just run there and we will be there faster than a plane would and we're famous. We can get stuff for free. When do you want to leave?" Louis interrupts me.

"Now." I say and all the boys stand up and walk towards the door. Once outside,Louis tells me to get on his back,so I do. They start running and I close my eyes so I won't get dizzy. My grip tightens on Louis' neck,but he doesn't seem effected. I was beyond happy to even think about getting near Niall. I hope we can find him.

After thirty minutes of being lost in my thoughts I feel myself starting to drift asleep. I open my eyes and close them back instantly as I see the trees going by quickly. Louis slows down a little and switches me around so he's carrying me bridal style,"go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there."

I nod a little and drift into darkness.


"Do you think she'll be mad at me?" I hear a familiar voice say. As I gain consciousness I feel arms wrapped around my small body. I'm sitting in their lap with my head laying on their chest and they have their arms wrapped around me and my hand in theirs.

"I don't think so. She's been completely miserable with out you. She wouldn't talk,eat,or do anything." I hear Louis' voice say from across the room. I snuggle closer to the person's chest and their grip tightens around me,"I'll go."

I hear a door shut and I slowly open my eyes to see someone's chest. I look up to see Niall looking down at me and I wrap my arms around his neck. He chucked a little then hugs me back,"I missed you so much." I say,choking on tears halfway through. Niall pulls my arms from his neck and moves back slightly to look at my face.

"Hey,don't cry. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." He says wiping a few tears that had escaped off my cheeks with his thumb. He pulls me back into a hug and I bury my face in his chest. This is what I missed.

I missed the long hugs with Niall that made sparks fly through my body and the comfort of the hugs. I missed his caring self and how he would do anything for me. I missed how he would read my mind and reply to something before I even said it. I missed his tight hugs and how he would bury his face in the crook of my neck when we hugged,making the hug comfortable and warm despite is ice cold skin. I missed everything about this blue eyed boy.

Even if I wouldn't admit it out loud,I couldn't live with out these boys anymore,especially Niall. With out them I was a hollow shell that did everything in rotation and didn't pay attention in life. With out them I didn't have anybody to care for me or hug me when I was feeling down. I didn't have anyone to smile at me when my life was upside down. These boys have changed my whole life.

"Awwww," my thoughts are suddenly interrupted and I look up at Niall confused,"We feel the same about you Aaliyah. We're glad that we make you feel that way."

I realize that he just heard every word that I just said in my head and blushed. Niall's face breaks into a smile when he sees my tomato red face. I hide my face in his chest and notice something different this time. No heartbeat.

I press my ear to his chest then listen only to hear nothing. I pull back and look at him confused,"undead,remember? Our hearts don't beat unless we're with our soul mates," Niall's face suddenly changes like he said something he wasn't supposed to and even though I feel like I shouldn't ask,I do.

"What's a soul mate?"

Niall's breath suddenly stops and he looks around the room frantically,avoiding my gaze completely. I take his hand in mine and he finally focuses on me," a soul mate is like somebody we're supposed to be with. All vampires have one,even if they don't find him or her,they have one."

I nod as I take in the new information then my mind starts to race. Has Niall found his soul mate? Is she beautiful? I imagine her with brown hair and bright blue eyes like him. Tall,but not taller than him and a model. They fit good together in my mind,but I hope I'm wrong.

"I haven't found my soul mate yet," he answers my unspoken question,but I hear something in his voice. I look up at him to see him smiling while looking at me.

"Oh," I say simply even though I'm smiling in the inside. The room fills with silence,not awkward,but uncomfortable.

Suddenly the door to the bedroom we're in opens and all the boys are standing there. They come inside and look at the two of us. Half of them look at me and the other half look at Niall. Finally Harry breaks the awkwardness by walking over to me,"you finally have some color in your face!" He says pinching my cheeks.

I swat his hand away then smile,"what do you mean?" I ask put my eyebrows up.

"While Niall was gone you were just like a ghost. You were completely pale white. No color at all,but it seems like just seeing Niall helped you." He says and I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. All the boys laugh and I hide my redden face in Niall's chest.

Right now is perfect and exactly how I want it to stay.


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I hope you like this chapter!

Xx -c




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