Chapter 21

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*Aaliyah's POV*

Me,Perrie,and Eleanor are walking to a small diner they had been talking about nonstop since we got home. They said they have the best food ever and everyone is very nice there,and also that the lady that owns the diner is like a sweet grandmother. When we get to the diner,I agree. The sweet little lady,named Mrs. Burtech,gave us warm chocolate chip cookies for free and said Perrie and Eleanor were her favorite customers.

When the food arrives it's very good and delicately made. She obviously took her time making it and didn't use any store bought stuff. The little bell rings on the door when I'm almost finished the burger I ordered but I don't turn around. Perrie drops the fry she was holding when she looks behind me and she nudges Eleanor. Eleanor looks up and her mouth falls open,"what are you two looking at?!" I say and turn around.

I see Chase and a girl at a table,staring at each other lovingly. He kisses her cheek and she giggles and I turn back around. I mask tears with anger as I pick up my drink and walk over to their table and put my hand on my hip,"hello Chase."

He looks up and his eyes widen,"Aaliyah...I-it's not what it looks like,I swear-" I pour the drink over his head before he can finish.

"Just shut up and explain to your girlfriend because you only have one now. Ba-bye," I wave and smirk,walking away. Eleanor and Perrie sit there with their jaws dropped as they watch the scene in front of them. I walk out of the diner without another word and run home. Tears are running down my face by the time I get inside and I run past all the boys and up the stairs. I slam my door shut and jump on my bed with my face buried in my pillow. I shouldn't have trusted Chase. Nobody that good looking and that nice could like me,even if I changed my whole look.

I feel a cold hand on my back and I jump. I turn over to see Niall with worry clear in his blue eyes,"leave me alone," I mumble as turn back over,half of it muffled by my pillow.

"I'm not leaving," he says stubbornly and I sigh before turning over again,"what happened?"

"Me,Perrie,and Eleanor went to the diner down the street and Chase walked in...with another girl." I reply and look at the ceiling,holding back tears. When Niall says nothing I look at him to see him staring at me with a poker face. I expect him to get up and find Chase,but he does the complete opposite. He lays down beside me and pulls me into his arms.

"I had a bad feeling about that kid the second I saw him but I didn't want to say anything because I saw how happy he made you," Niall says as I bury my face into his chest. He rubs circles in my back with his thumb,comforting me in a way only he could. The longer we lay here the more crazy I feel like I'm going. I even thought I heard Niall's heart beat,but I realized its probably my own in my ears from crying and running. I was tired but I couldn't get my body to relax and fall asleep. Sleep seemed impossible at a moment like this and looking back I realized I've slept most of the time I've been here.

"Relax. Even if you don't fall asleep." Niall chuckles and I smile at the beautiful sound. He stops chuckling and I start to worry. Did he hear my thoughts?

I close my eyes hoping he didn't as he pulls me closer. Again,my ears trick me and I think I hear Niall's heart beat,but it's not possible.

"That Chase guys is an idiot. He doesn't know what he's missing. You're beautiful but he's too much of an idiot to see it," Niall mumbles and I smile into his chest. I like moments like this,when it's just me and Niall alone. Silent or not I like being with him. It's peaceful.

I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.


Four chapters left! And I'm still looking for songs for the playlist so PLEASE comment some requests!!

xx -C




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