Chapter 25

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*Niall's POV*

I stare at her door nervously. I raise my fist to the plain white door then drop it,shaking my head,"C'mon,Niall,be a man." I mumble to myself. I raise my fist again and this time actually knock. I hear light footsteps getting closer before the door opens to reveal the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Aaliyah...C-can I talk to you?" I stutter for to first time since I've became a vampire. I hear her heart beat speed up a little bit and I smile. Even though she denies that she has feeling for me,I know she does.

"Sure," she says and I take her hand,pulling her down the hall to my room. I open my door and pull her inside then push her down so she's sitting on my bed. I stand in front of her and she looks up looking worried.

*Aaliyah's POV*

I look up at Niall worriedly. Why does he look so nervous? And why did he need to talk to me?

",I never really liked Chloe. I just-," Niall sighs and pauses from his nervous rant,"I just wanted to make sure it was true."

I look at him confused,"Niall,you're not making any sense. You had to make sure what was true?"

Niall takes my hands in his and kneels down in front of me,"do you remember in Paris when I explained what a soul mate is?" He asks and I nod,"Aaliyah,you're my soul mate."



Ahhhh! It's the end! Some of you may have seen this coming and I'm sorry it's so short. Please comment what you think about the book,this chapter,any thing! You can comment or you can message me. In other news...

I'll be posting the playlist soon!


There's gonna be a sequel! I've already started writing it and I'm going to work on it for a while so I'm not going to post the first chapter for about two weeks to a month. I'll update when it's up!

I love you guys and thank you so much for reading this book! I have loved writing this book and I hope you have loved reading it.

xx -C




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