Thank you.

1.1K 17 0

Even though this series has been over for quite some time now, I keep getting votes and comments and more reads everyday. Right now this book has 66k reader and almost 3k votes so I just wanted to say thank you.

I never expected this book to get over 100 reads or any votes. I planned this book to only be one book but once I saw the turn out I made into a series, all because of you guys. This awful, trash-grammar, horrible book which I definitely do not like (but who does like their first book?) and wish I could change has gotten this many people reading, voting, and commenting and I can't thank you enough.

Thank you for all the wonderful comments. Thank you to those who haven't commented and just read the entire series. Thank you.

I will have new content out soon so follow me if you wanna stay updated!

XX -c

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