Chapter 7

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*aliyah's POV*

I stare into Louis' angry red eyes until I feel other presence around us. I look around to see I'm surrounded by all the boys,all with red eyes. I look at all the angered faces panicked until I land on one face that's not angry,but sad. Niall.

His blood red eyes meet my blue ones and it's like he puts up a barrier. His sad expression hardens into a blank one so I look away and instead to Louis,who is now right in front of me. He leans down and grabs my hand and pulls me up from the ground. As soon as I'm back on my feet, I back away from Louis.

Before I can even stop him,Louis has me in his arms bridal style and everything around us is a blur. I start to get dizzy so I hide my face Louis' chest to prevent throwing up when we stop.

"Aaliyah,we're stopped now." Louis says calmly setting me down. I look around only to see that we're back in the living room and the boys' eyes have changed back to normal. Niall and Harry are by the front door,Zayn is by the stairs,and Louis and Liam are standing in front of me.

Louis leans down a little bit and looks me in the eye,"Why did you run?" He asks sternly.

"Why wouldn't I? You all could kill me with the flick of your wrist." I say confidently,surprising myself. I don't know where the confidence came from,but I hope it stays.

Louis looks slightly taken aback,"Aaliyah,we won't kill you,we won't even hurt you."

"And don't think we will." Niall's voice comes from across the room. I look down at my feet as Louis talks,but I don't listen,and think. They say they wouldn't hurt me but I've had someone in my life that said they wouldn't hurt me,then hurting me physically and emotionally,but these boys are different. One question lingers in my mind: could I trust them?

The question has been in my mind since I got here,but now it's different. I have a lot more reasons not to trust them than I did before and-

"Aaliyah,are you even listening?" Louis asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up to see him looking at me with his eyebrows up.

"Um...n-no?" I say but it comes out more like a question. Louis rolls his eyes and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I was saying we won't hurt you,we're used to being around humans. Eleanor and Perrie are humans and me and Zayn have never lost control,so why would we with you?"I shrug and look back down at my feet,"Well,trust us. we won't hurt you,okay?" Louis asks and I dont answer. I stand there with Louis' hands still on my shoulders until he sighs and takes them away,"whatever,just go to your room,somebody will come get you when its time for dinner."

As soon as he says that I walk towards the stairs with my head down feeling all the boys' gazes burning holes on me. Once I get in my room, I plop down on my bed and lay back. I stare at the ceiling thinking about the last few days.First,I was adopted by One Direction,then we were mobbed at the mall-which isnt really important. The same day I saw a girl tied to a chair with blood on her in Harry's room,and asked why the next morning. And today,I was told they were vampires and tried to run away. I was adopted by vampires. I didn't think it was possible,didn't even think they were real. Who would?

I was so deep in thought I didn't even know that somebody came into my room until I feel the bed dip down beside me. I look over to see Niall looking down at me,very close to me. I shriek and move away,but instead roll off the bed. I land on the floor with a loud thump and Niall is instantly next to me with a worried look in his eye.

"Are you okay?" He asks grabbing my hand,against my moving my hand away from him,and helps me up. I nod a little and sit back down avoiding his gaze,"okay well,um,Louis said to get you because dinner is ready."

I look down at my feet,"I'm not hungry," I say but my stomach growling gives me away.

"You sure about that? Your stomach seems to think otherwise. Just come downstairs,we aren't going to hurt you,I promise." Niall says but I don't reply,I just keep looking down,"okay,fine. How about I bring mine and your food upstairs and we'll eat it in here? I mean if you want me to eat with you..."

"You can," I say simply and I see Niall smile out the corner of my eye before leaving the room. He returns a few minutes later with two plates in his hand and he walks over to me and sets one plate I front of me then sits down on the edge of my bed.

I stir around in my food and by the time Niall has finished his,I've only taken about five small bites of mine. I set the plate beside me,not wanting to eat anymore,and look down at my hands in my lap,"you didn't eat very much," Niall says after a few moments of awkward,uncomfortable silence.

"I'm not really hungry,like I said. And it's not because I'm afraid." I reply still looking down. I feel the bed dip down a little more as Niall scoots closer to me.

"Then why aren't you hungry?"

"Like a said the other morning,I didn't eat a lot at the adoption center,and some days I wouldn't eat at all,so sometimes I'm not hungry at all."

Niall sighs and I decide that now is a good time to look up. As I do I see the blonde boy in front of me now looking down. His blonde hair is turning brown at the roots and his jaw is clenched,making his jaw line stick out more. His beautiful bright blue eyes are...staring right at me.

His eyes meet mine and he smirks,"like what you see?" I look down,feeling my face heat up,"I'm kidding,Aaliyah."

I only nod,not looking up,"um...want to watch a movie?" Niall asks changing the subject. I nod and look up him,still not meeting his eyes,but I see his face light up as he smiles,"what movie?"

"Mean Girls?" I shrug and Niall stands up and puts the movie in. We watch it and after awhile I feel myself starting to fall asleep,but I stop myself.

"Go to sleep,you need rest." Niall says looking at me. I shake my head a little and go back to watching the movie,but after a few minutes,I'm fast asleep with my head on Niall's shoulder.


Sorry it's horrible! I've had writers block again and I've been working on a new story that I plan on publishing soon! I didn't have time to edit this chapter so I hope its okay!


Thanks for reading!

xx -C




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