Chapter 23

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*Aaliyah's POV*

"Morning everyone" I say cheerfully as I walk into the kitchen and grab a muffin off the counter. Perrie and Eleanor look at me and put their eyebrows up.

"Are you okay? You know...after yesterday," Perrie asks cautiously. I nod and sit down beside her,avoiding Niall's gaze on me. I had fallen asleep last night in Niall's arms,even after I told myself I wasn't going to, and he was gone by the time I woke up.

It was the best sleep I've ever had. I didn't have a single nightmare and I was happy to sleep the whole night. Even with the help of Harry I woke up from nightmares. Niall is my cure to the nightmares even though they are about him.

I look up to see Niall staring at me with confusion and he looks towards the door. I nod slightly and stand up,"I'll be right back," I dismiss myself and walk out of the room. I sit on the couch and a few minutes later Niall comes out of the kitchen. He sits beside me and sighs.

"What nightmares am I in?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"Y-you heard that?" I ask nervously and he nods,"it's nothing really,just some sttupid nightmares I have every-"

"I still want to know what they are about," Niall demands with a slight harsh tone.

"you kill me in them," I barely whisper,looking down.

"what? Aaliyah,you know I would never hurt you..."

He moves closer to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"I know,I don't know why I have them. It's not like i'm afraid of you."

He looks at me warily before nodding,"just know no matter what happens I would never hurt you on purpose."

I nod,knowing that he wouldn't. I truly don't know why I have the dreams,but I wish they would stop. I hate them because they make me feel afraid of Niall,even though I'm not. Does that even make sense?

"No,it doesn't,but I get what you mean." Niall says and I glare at him. I really wish he would stop reading my mind.

"Well,I'm not afraid of you. Now,I'm going to finish my muffin," I say as I stand up. I open the door of the kitchen and hit something.

"Ow," the thing says and I know I hit somebody. I go around the door and look to see Louis sitting on the ground holding his head. I look at him and put my eyebrows up,"I was walking out to get something,but I didn't know the door was going to hit me."

I giggle and attempt to help him up but he pulls me down and wraps me into a hug. I laugh and hug him back. Niall comes in and looks us like we're insane,which makes me laugh harder.

Louis stands up then helps me up and we sit down in our previous seats. We all finish eating breakfast and go separate places,the boys in the living room,Perrie and Eleanor shopping,and me to my room to be alone for a little while. I need time to think.

Of course,when you live in a house with One Direction though,you don't get time to think. Or silence.

I hear shouting from downstairs and sigh. I walk out of my room and down the hall but the shouting doesn't fade. I get to a door that I hadn't noticed before at the end of the hall and open it,hoping for silence. Stairs are behind the door and I go up them cautiously. The stairs creak and move under my weight,making it obvious that they haven't been used in a long time. I open another door at the top of the stairs and go into a room,covered in dust. I walk to a dusty and worn bed to see five dusty frames sitting on it.

I pick one up and blow on it,making dust fly up into the air. I cough a little before looking at the picture to see an old painting of Niall. Telling by the clothes he's wearing it's not in the generation or the last. I turn over the picture to see writing

Niall James Horan



1798? How old are the boys exactly? I place the painting down and pick up another one,this time it being Zayn. It looks older than the last and less detailed. I turn it over

Zain Jawaad Malik



I look at the other paintings,Louis and Liam being the oldest in the 1600s,and is surprised by how old the boys are. In the paintings the boys are 16,17,and 18 and they are now 20,21 and 22,they're changing ages.

"What are you doing in here?" A voice says from behind me,making me jump. I turn around to see Niall standing in the threshold. He looks at the paintings on the beds then back to me with wide eyes,"you know our ages now?"

He appears right in front of me and I shrug,"sort of. Not the exact date but I know you're old." I smirk and Niall rolls his eyes.

"We are old and we didn't want to you to realize how old we are. Follow me," he grabs my arm and pulls me down the creaky stairs. When I be careful and go slower than Niall, he picks me up bridal style and runs down the stairs. I close my eyes and the next thing I know I'm being set on something soft. I open my eyes to see we're in a familiar,but nonfamiliar room. I realize it's the same room I was in the day the boys were asking me what I saw in Harry's room after I saw the girl with blood on her neck.

"Who's room is this?" I ask looking around and avoiding Niall's gaze.

"Mine," he mumbles as he sits down beside me,"we didn't want you to know our ages because we thought it would scare you,but I guess it didn't."

"Why would it scare me? It's just an age."

"We're all over 200 years old,Aaliyah."

I stare at him in shock and Niall smirks. I do quick math in my head and realize that Niall is 232 years old alone. I gape at him and he pushes my fallen jaw closed.

"I told you we are old," he smirks and stands up,"want to watch a movie?"

I nod,still shocked,and he picks a movie. We don't even watch the movie,we just talk about random things. I can't help but think about the ages of the boys though.



xx -C




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