Chapter 24

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I look at the beautiful sun over the horizon. I was in the roof of the giant house,Niall had took me up here then left so I could have privacy. I was left in my thoughts and for once of being left alone,I was happy.

I think back to last night,laying in Niall's arms. It was the one night I didn't have a nightmare since I had gotten here. The nightmares just appeared suddenly and I wish they disappear. Zayn said that I have a crush on Niall,so why do I have the nightmares?

"That would be because of me," an unfamiliar voice says from behind me. I look behind me to see Chloe and I instantly stand up,"I cause your nightmare so you'll stay away from Niall,but it doesn't work and somehow he seemed to block my powers."

She walks closer to me,"how do you do that? You're human..." I reply confused and back up,my heels hitting the small wall that lines the roof of the house.

"I am not. I'm a witch. I have looks and feelings of a human but I have powers that are very special and strong. I'm the only witch alive in the world."

She gets closer and grabs my arm and pushes me over the side of the roof. I scream as I hang over the side only being held up by her arm. I hear the door open and see the boys crowd around her.

"Chloe,why are you doing this?" I hear Niall's voice say.

"You never called me back Niall,you've been too stuck up to this child." Chloe says as she loosens her grip on my arm. I whimper and Niall looks at me with panic. He looks back to the witch with madness and in one swift movement he advances on her.

He pulls her back and pins her to the ground,making her loose her grip on my arm. I hit the ground a few feet from the witch and Niall. The boys go to Niall and pull him of Chloe. Louis says something to him as the boys pin the struggling girl down. I sit up and watch as Niall nods and walks towards me. He kneels beside me and pulls me into his lap. That's when I let the tears flow.

The fear of Niall because of the nightmares erase as I hear a scream from Chloe,I have a feeling the nightmares will disappear,and I will get to spend some time with my best friend. Niall.

"Shhh,it's okay Aaliyah,the nightmares will end. We will spend more time together. I will do anything for you." Niall whispers in my ear and pulls me closer to his chest. He rubs circles in my back with his thumb,calming me.

I denied it until now and I'm not going to stop to the boys and girls,but I love Niall. He's like the friend,brother,or protector I've always wanted. He's perfect for me.


Double update!

Next chapter is the last chapter in this book! I can't believe I have came this far. I love each and every one of you and I want to thank you for reading,voting,and commenting. I've said this many times but I never expected over 100 reads. Right now I almost have 4K.

Thank you all for reading!

Comment 'Niliyah' if you loved this book and is ready for the next chapter!

xx -C




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