chapter 18

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*Aaliyah's POV*

His soft lips touch mine in a sweet,slow kiss. He pulls me closer into his strong arms and I smile into the kiss. His blonde hair tickles my forehead as we kiss. I feel sharpness against my bottom lip and I gasp,pulling away.

"aw,come on babe,you know I'm not going to hurt you." he says and I shake my head. He has hurt me before. Many times.

He pulls my arm and brings my wrist to his mouth. He bites down and-


Someone shakes my shoulders and I sit straight up,gasping for air. I feel a hand on mine and I instantly flinch away,"it's okay,it was only dream." Zayn's voice says from beside me. I look at him and instantly crawl into his open arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I shake my head,burying my face into his chest. He's always there for me when I have nightmares,he usually wakes me up when he hears me screaming. He's the only one that knows about my 'crush on Niall',which I still deny,but he will not stand down to. Out of all the boys,except Niall,I'm closest with Zayn. It's kind of weird,with his whole 'bad boy' image,that we would get along so well. He's the only one I can talk about my nightmares to,and the only one that gets what I'm going through. He says when he was younger he used to get nightmares a lot and wouldn't sleep most of the time. The reasons for his nightmares are unknown to him,but they stopped when he was about 15.

I pull away from our hug and look at him,meeting his golden brown eyes,"thank you for coming in here," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Stop thanking me. You do every time I come in here when you have a nightmare and it's not like I'm not going to come in here." He says with a playful smile. I smile back and get off of his lap,laying down on the soft bed. Zayn stands up and kisses my forehead then leaves. I stare at the ceiling in dark thoughts until I hear my door open and I close my eyes instantly. I even my breathing,making it look like I'm asleep.

When I feel a cold hand on mine I jump,"I didn't think you were asleep," A deep British voice say. I recognize the voice,even though we haven't talked much. Is it even him? I open my eyes and my theory is correct. Harry is standing there,smiling with his dimples showing,and I sit up instantly. I look at confused,"I've been hearing you scream. Every time you have a night mare I hear it. I'm the only one that hears it besides Zayn because I'm the only one not asleep,I don't sleep because of your reason. I have nightmares,I can control it,but it's hard to do it on myself so I only do it once a week. I want to help you control yours."

My mouth falls open at his quick answer to my confusion. He can control my nightmares? He can rid me of the terrible things,letting me peacefully sleep at night?

He kneels down in front me and takes my hand in his,"trust me," he says taking a deep breath,"just relax. Lay down and try to fall asleep." I nod and do as he says. I feel myself start to drift and an image comes before me. I'm running from my number one fear. I see red eyes all around me and suddenly the dream changes. I'm sitting in a beautiful meadow with flowers all around me. The dream changes back to the nightmare for a second then back to the meadow.

For a long time the dreams are switching back and forth before my alarm clock pulls me into consciousness. My hand is still in Harry's and a frown is etched into face,his eyes are closed and he looks concentrated. I turn the alarm clock off and he opens his eyes,"I tried. I almost won when your alarm clock went off. Want to try again tonight?" He asks and I nod. Him almost winning was true,the meadow was getting longer and the red eyes and Niall killing me was getting shorter. Niall.

My mind starts to race and I look at Harry,"you saw him...didn't you?"

"Yes,what was that about? Are you afraid of him?" He asks,a line appearing between his eyebrows when he scrunched them together.

"No! No...I don't know why I have them about him,but it's always only him. I wish it wasn't though."

He nods and stands up,helping me up also,"what do you say to helping me make breakfast for the boys?" He asks with a cheeky smile.

"I'd say lets do this," I reply,copying his smile. We go downstairs to the kitchen and pull different ingredients out of the cabinets and refrigerator. I start to scramble about five eggs and Harry starts making toast. By the time we are finished we've made scrambled eggs,toast,bacon,and orange juice. The boys walk in,with Perrie and Eleanor,and their faces go from tired to shocked when they see the food.

"Did you two do this all yourself?" Niall asks after they all sit down. We both nod and sit down at the two empty spots at the table. We all sit in silence as we eat and when we finish we go separate ways. The boys go in the living room and the girls each take one of my arms and drag me up the steps to my room.

"We're going shopping! Put this on!" Perrie says,throwing me clothes and shoving me into the bathroom,closing the door also. I change into the clothes and am impressed. I wear a black crop too with a lace see through shirt over it,a pair of leather shorts,and gladiator sandals. It looks like something Little Mix would have worn on their Salute tour,but I'm not complaining. I loved their outfits on the tour. (This fact is true for me. I loved their outfits)

I walk out of the bathroom and both girls look up and gasp,"dang girl,you look better in those clothes than I expected." Eleanor says and I smile. We go downstairs when they finish putting make up on themselves and me and we are greeted by five boys staring at us with their jaws dropped. Louis is staring at Eleanor,Zayn is staring at Perrie,and Harry and Liam are looking at the three of us. Then Niall is staring at me.

The three boys get up and each walk over to the one they are staring at,"you look beautiful," Niall says as he gets to me. I feel my heart race by the small comment and I see Zayn smirk at me out the corner of my eye. I scowl and look back to Niall to see him wearing a proud smile.

We just stand there,staring at each other,not knowing what to say,"okay,I would hate to break you two up,but we've got to go. Bye boys!" Perrie says and drags me out the door. It shuts behind me and we get into the car.

The day goes pretty well and the girls buy me tons of clothes,most to which I try to decline because I don't want them to spend money on me. They insist and by the time we hit the food court we got about 15 bags each for each of us sitting in the car.

"So,what was that with you and Niall earlier? And don't deny it,Zayn told me you have a crush on him," Perrie says then continues when I start to argue,"and don't say you don't have one. You just can't feel it strongly yet. Zayn told me the same thing when we met and I doubted it. Now look at us." She shows me her hand with the shimmering diamond engagement ring on it.

I roll my eyes,"I'm going to doubt it until I feel it. Earlier was nothing,it's normal for us."

"Do you know old I was when I met Louis? Like real life,not what the media says?" Eleanor asks and I shake my head,"I was 14. He just felt like a brother to me but my heart would race at small compliments and the smallest things he did. As I got older my feelings progressed into love and he asked me out when I turned 18."

My eyes widen slightly,like a brother? That's how I feel about Niall...

"Sound familiar?" Zayn's fiancé asks and I look down.

Love? I can't love Niall more than a brother,it would ruin our friendship. And dating each other would make it worse. I don't have a crush now so why would I in four years? He's basically my uncle and it would be awkward for us to date. I can't fall for Niall and I'm going to do everything I can to prevent it.


Hiiiii people! So I know you're there so why do you not comment or vote? There is now 3K readers and I only have one commenter. Please vote!

And we only have 6 chapters left in this book! Can't believe it! But don't worry there is going to be a second book!

Also...I want to make a playlist for the book but I don't know what songs to use! Please comment some requests!!!!

Oh and it's 3 AM so you better love me right now for updating.

xx- C




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