Chapter 19

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I walk into my bedroom and plop face forward on my bed. We had come back from Paris this morning,taking a plane instead of running this time,and I was horribly jet lagged. It was my first time on a plane so when we started going up I was staring out the window,slightly scared and a lot worried. What if the plane had crashed?

Niall takes my hand from beside me and I look at him,"the plane isn't going to crash,just don't think about. Look out the window." I do as he says and look out the window,amazed by the view. The sun is setting creating a beautiful setting for Paris. I could see all of it. It was beautiful.

Someone knocks on my door and I groan,"come in," I say tiredly,I had only slept one hour out of the whole flight.

"Tired?" Niall's voice asks from behind me. I nod as he sits down beside my on my bed,"well me and the boys ordered pizza if you want any."

I open one eye and look up at him,"food? Forget being tired." I stand up and almost fall over. Niall catches my arms right before I fall onto him,making our faces inches apart. Our eyes meet and I look down almost instantly. I stand up straight,"let's go."

Niall stands up and hooks an arm around my waist then throws me over his shoulder,"you can barely stand up,you think I'm going to let you walk down the stairs?" He chuckles as I struggle in his grip around my waist.

I stop struggling as he starts to walk and we walk past the boys,them looking at us strangely. I wave and smile at them before we disappear into the kitchen. Niall sets me down on one of the bar stool and gets us each a slice of pizza. He sets it in front of me and I attack it.

"So we have some friends coming over from our last tour and they want to meet you,is that okay?" Niall asks after he sits down in front of me.

"Who are they?" I ask and take a bite of my pizza.

"Five Seconds of Summer," he replies and I almost choke on my pizza. I had took an interest in the band when Niall was in Paris and had all of their album downloaded. My favorite song of theirs was Amnesia,which had related to the situation greatly.

Niall looks at me worriedly when I start coughing from choking and have to get a drink of water before I stop,"they are coming here?" He nods and I smile.

We didn't say anything else about it or anything. We eat in silence and Niall stares at the wall and it makes me wonder what he's thinking. I get up and put my plate in the sink then go upstairs . I lay on my bed thinking about tomorrow until I fall asleep.

--The Next Day--

I sit in the couch,waiting for the band I love to knock on the door. Perrie and Eleanor,who is staying with us for a while,keep laughing every time I look towards the door. I had bonded a lot with them when we went shopping in Paris and more after. They were like my sisters now and I'm glad I have them with me.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts and Louis opens the door. Him and the band do their guy hug and one by one they come in. Luke is last and smiles at me when he comes in. The night goes like any other night with company would go. We talk,we eat,we watched a movie,and we talked again.

"So when does your next tour start?" Ashton asks the boys.

"February next year. We're really excited for it from the turn outs of the last tour. It was the best tour yet," Liam says and the boys agree.

After a while 5sos say they have to leave,so we all stand up to bid them a good night. We walk to the door and Luke's arm brushes mine,but it isn't cold. It's warmer than a humans. I thought they were vampires?

I look up and meet Luke's eyes as he walk past me. He follows his band out the door and I stand there shocked,"they're not vampires...what are they?" I say after the boys turn to me.

"Oh...they're..werewolves," Louis replies scratching the be back of his neck,"I guess we didn't really mention that."

I face palm and walk up the stairs to my room. I pick up my phone and facetime Chase. He answers after a few rings and smiles,"hey...I see you're back in London. How'd your flight go?"

"Pretty good,everything was so beautiful,but I'm still jet lagged." I reply as I lean against my pillow.

"Oh. So...about our date,do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow? I understand if you don't want to,we can-"

"I would love to," I interrupt the start of his rant.

"Great,I'll pick you up at six." He replies and we talk about other stuff. After about a hour he has to go and hangs up.

I start to fall asleep when I hear my door open and I open my eyes to see Harry. I close my eyes back and I feel his cold hand on my arm. He's been helping me with my nightmares ever since the night in Paris and he's starting to win against them. He says my nightmares are strong so it's hard to fight but he's starting to over power them. The dreams can last about five minutes now and the nightmares about a minute each time they change. Tonight I have a dream about falling in love with a mystery boy and flashes of red eyes and snarled fangs. I hope these end soon.


This is mostly a filler but yeah...double update! Possibly triple if I can get done! Only 6 chapters left in this book! I can't believe I'm almost done and you guys have helped me so much. I never thought I was even going to get over 100 reads and now I have 3k and rising. Thank you so much and I love all you!

Also I finished chapter 10 of you want to go and read that!

Love you guys so much! Thanks for reading!

xx -C




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