Chapter 5

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I woke the next morning starving. I hadn't came out of my room at all the day before and I didn't plan to today either,but starvation overpowered me after three hours. I slowly unlock and open my door,checking the hall ways to find them empty,I slip out of my bedroom. I pad down the hallway and down the stairs carefully but my quietness does nothing. When I get to the bottom of the stairs five pair of eyes land on me.

Each pair of eyes have a different emotion,Niall's is happy,Louis' is worried,Harry's is angry looking,Liam's is sad,and Zayn's is blank. After a second Louis runs over to me and crushes me in a hug. I tense up slightly and stand there awkwardly with my arms to my sides as he hugs me.

After about two minutes he pulls away and grabs my wrist. He pulls me into the kitchen and sits me on one of the bar stools,"what do you want to eat? You haven't eaten in almost 24 hours,so you must be hungry."

"I don't know." I sigh looking down at the counter.

"How about some macaroni?" Louis asks and I nod. I hear a few clanks and packages being opened then the door opens. I see somebody sit down next to me out the corner of my eye and I feel their gaze burning a hole in the side of my head.

I quickly look up to meet the bright blue eyes of Niall. His eyes look sad mixed with worried but he tries to cover it by smiling. I look away as Louis sets the macaroni in front of me. I eat it quickly and Louis takes the bowl away from me,"come into the living room,we need to talk." Louis says and walks out of the room to the living room.

Niall smiles a little before standing up and offering his hand to me. I take his hand an electric feeling goes through my hand. I instantly pull my hand away and look at Niall confused to see him with a shocked expression,"what was that?" I ask Niall looking at him in the eye.

"I-I don't know." Niall stutters and looks like he just saw a ghost. He turns around and quickly walks out of the kitchen. I follow him and sit between him and Louis. I look down as silence fills the room.

"Remember what you saw the other day but said you didn't know why the girl had blood on her neck?" Louis says after a few seconds. I nod without looking up,"we're going to tell you why."

I look up now and see all the boys looking at me for some kind of reaction,but I give none so Louis continues.

"We're vampires."


Sorry its so short! I hope you liked it!

thanks for reading!





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