Chapter 11

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*Aaliyah's POV*


I walk I to the kitchen to see only Niall in there,so I walk out quickly. I've been ignoring him ever since I talked to Zayn,but that's not why. I've been ignoring him because I've had nightmares ending with him killing me and they seem so real they make me afraid of him.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by running into something,making me and the thing fall to the ground with a big crash. I groan and start to stand up,only to have arms wrapped around me and help me,"thank you" I mumble looking up to meet the bright blue eyes of Niall.

His eyes are focused on something else and I follow his gaze to see my arm cut slightly,blood coming out of the cut. My eyes widen when I realize why he's staring. He's a vampire. And vampires drink human blood.

Before I can even do anything I'm pinned to the wall behind me and I see a glimpse of red eyes and fangs as I struggle in Niall's grip. I freeze as he leans towards my neck,but start to let out a scream as I feel his soft,cold lips on my neck. His hand goes over my mouth instantly and I feel a sharp pain go through my neck.

I whimper and close my eyes,taking in the last few minutes I have on Earth. I didn't think this is how it would end,just like in my dreams,I thought it would be something more realistic. Like old age or car wreck,something natural that happens everyday. I wanted to get married and have kids when I got older,but it will never happen now.

Niall is suddenly ripped away from me and I fall to the ground. I open my eyes to see the world around me spinning,so I close them back. I don't know how long I sit there,but after a while,something is pressed to my lips. I scoot back as much as I can and open my eyes to see Zayn holding his bloody wrist next to my face.

"Drink it." Zayn demands and I shake my head using almost all the energy I have. He sighs before putting his wrist back to mouth his other hand on the back of my head,pressing me to his wrist. Some of the foul liquid runs into my mouth and I pull away,the warm liquid going down my throat. I close my eyes as the world spins,"Aaliyah,keep your eyes open."

I open my eyes to the spinning world to see Zayn on my right and Louis now on my left. I look past them to see Niall with red eyes and his fangs bared ,trying to get out of Harry's and Liam's grip. They drag him out of the front door and that's the last thing I see before everything goes black.


I open my eyes to come in contact with the white ceiling. I groan and start to sit up,but a a hand pushes me back down,"careful,you hit your head when you fell," an all too familiar Irish accent says. My eyes widen as I remember yesterday's events and I move away from the voice. I look over to see a guilty looking Niall,"please don't be afraid...I promise I won't hurt you. I didn't want to do that,my vampire instincts took over. I would never hurt you on purpose."

I look down pondering what he just said. He didn't hurt me before I cut my arm,so why would he now? But why did he hurt me yesterday? Why didn't he just walk out of the room? He could have seen the blood and walked out of the room without going crazy,but no. He went all crazy and almost killed me,but says he didn't mean to! But what if he didn't mean to? Maybe his vampire instincts did take over and he had no control over what happened. All these ifs,but I need actual proof. Proof that I can trust him.

"Prove it." I say sitting up against his protest. He sits there dumbfounded as I stand up,staggering a bit at first, and walk towards the door,"but until you can,stay away from me. Don't talk to me,don't look at me,and don't get near me." I open my bedroom door and point at it,signaling for him to leave. He instantly stands up and walk out the door with his head hanging and his bottom lip pouting out. A wave of guilt washes over me as his sad eyes meet mine before I close the door.

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