chapter 6

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*Niall's POV*

"We're vampires." Louis says and Aaliyah's thoughts start to race,but one thought sticks out to me: run.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she's standing up to run. She looks at me shocked and panicked as I pull her back down. Her heart beats fast and I instantly feel bad for bringing her into this. We were really going to adopt her and basically use her as a blood bag,which me and Liam didn't want to do,but couldn't now because of me.

"Let me go!" Aaliyah says trying to push away from me and fails,but doesn't give up.

I look across the room,"Zayn." I say and he looks up and nods. He stares at Aaliyah until she calms down in my arms but her heart still beats fast. She looks around the room with pure panic in her eyes.

"Aaliyah,calm down. We aren't going to hurt you." Louis says kneeling in front of her. She scoots closer to me and hides her face in my chest,which shocks me and the other boys.

I slowly take my arms from her waist and instead put them around her shoulders. I rub circles on her back with my thumb and heart beat starts to go back to normal after a minute. I look at the other boys to see them with same expression: shocked.

I send the boys a mind message saying to leave us alone. The all nod before leaving the room,"Aaliyah,they're gone. It's just me and you," I say and she slowly lifts her head from my chest,fear still laced in her features. She backs away from me a little and I look at her confused,"please don't be afraid,we aren't going to hurt you."

*Aaliyah's POV*

"Aaliyah,they're gone. It's just me and you," Niall says and I smirk into his chest. My plan worked.

I lift my head up and move away from Niall fearfully. True fear,not fake like when I acted that I trusted Niall. He gives me a confused look when I move away,"please don't be afraid,we aren't going to hurt you." He says and I almost feel bad for tricking him. Almost.

I stand up and run to the door before Niall can even stand up. He looks at me wide eyed and I see his eyes flash red before I run out the door and into the woods as fast as I can. I look back as I'm running to see nobody following me,but I don't stop. I turn back forward only to run into something hard and fall backwards.

I look up to see an angry looking Louis.


I'm so sorry it took me so long! I had writers block so this chapter kind of sucks!



I never thought I would even get 100 reads!

Thank you so much!

xx -C




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