Chapter 16

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces as Niall kisses the girl. I try to look away,but I can't. I watch as he pulls away and takes her hand in his then leads her to the dining room. I finally look down and follow the other boys and girls into the dining room. Once we all sit down an awkward silence fills the room.

No one dares to make a noise except for their forks scratching against their plates. The whole dinner goes silent and slowly. After we finish eating some the workers from the hotel bring out dessert. I look down at the strawberry shortcake and pick at the strawberries. Giggling finally breaks the silence and I look up to see the girl giggling as Niall feeds her a strawberry.

I look back down and stand up,"I'm going to my room," I dismiss myself then walk out of the room. I start up the stairs to my temporary room.

"Everybody,I want to introduce my girlfriend,Chloe." I hear Niall's voice and I go up the stairs faster. When I get into my room I pick up my phone and Facetime Chase. He answers instantly and smiles when he sees me.

"Hey,what's up? How's Paris?" He asks,fixing his long chestnut hair.

"It's beautiful. All the pictures on the Internet are lies. It's much prettier than them," I say rolling over onto my back and holding my phone above my head.

"It can't be anymore beautiful than you. Are you still up for that date?"

"Yes," I hear a light knock on my door,"I've got to go. I'll call you later."

I hang up and tell the person to come in. The door opens to reveal the girl,Chloe,and she walks in hesitating slightly. She closes the door and walks in front of me,"okay so Niall told me you and him are really close and...I don't want to become between you two. I know what it feels like to loose your brother or best friend and I'm not going to let it happen to you. I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was."

I stare at her make up free face in shock. I had expected her to tell me to stay away,"um...thanks," I say and am instantly wrapped in her arms. I notice her arms are warm. Not a vampire.

She pulls away and smiles at me then walks out of my room,"I hope we can be really good friends!" She says then closes the door. There is something up with her and I'm going to find out what.


Not gonna say anything.

xx -C




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