Chapter 3

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I slowly walk down the stairs with my converse making a thump with sound each step. I had on my favorite outfit from the adoption center,which was a pair of blue jean shorts and baby blue crop top,it was the only outfit I had besides my uniform that we had to wear. As I get to the last step all the boys look at me and I instantly become self conscious.

I shouldn't have worn this,I should have worn my uniform. The crop top only showed a bit of my skin,but it was enough to see how skinny I am and I hated it. Most girls would want to be as skinny as I am,but in my opinion,I'm too skinny.

They boys stand up and we walk to the limo without a word. Once we get inside,with me in the middle,Niall and Liam on either side of me then the other three sitting in front of us, silence fills the car until one of the boys turn the radio on. The beginning of What Makes You Beautiful blasts through the speakers and the boys smile at each other before they start to scream the lyrics.

I quickly cover my ears,but it doesn't help much, they just sing louder. I notice only four of them are screaming,but Niall is silent. I look at him and he smiles at me. His smile makes me smile,which is strange because I have barely ever smiled in my life, and suddenly the whole car goes silent.

I uncover my ears to hear the song has gone off. I sigh of relief and sink down into my seat. We soon get to the mall and get out of the limo. We go into two separate groups,me with Louis and Niall then the other three are in a different group, and go to the stores we need to go to.

Louis buys me tons of expensive clothes,against my protest, and we head out to meet the others at the food court. On the way there I see a few people staring at us,"HEY! ITS LOUIS AND NIALL FROM ONE DIRECTION!" Somebody yells from behind us.

"Run!" Louis says and we all take off running. I look back to see 30-40 girls following us and run faster. I look around to see Louis and Niall are gone and I start to panic. I stop running and look around when suddenly I'm scooped up into somebody's arms.

I look up to see that its Niall carrying me. Niall? I thought it would be Louis... I start to slide out of Niall's arms and I quickly put my arms around his neck. I start to see flashes coming from ahead of us,"hide your face,we don't want paps to see what you look like yet," Niall says in an Irish accent.

I do as he says and hide my face in his chest. I hear questions being yelled at Niall and I can hear cameras clicking and girls screaming as Niall walks through the crowd of paps and fans. I hear insults being yelled at me but I try to ignore them. I succeed until I hear one girl tell somebody else,who I'm guessing is her friend,whar everybody thought.

"Look how skinny she is. I bet she's anorexic. I wonder why they wanted her...she's just a depressed little freak." The squeaky voice says. That one sentence bothers me,because I know its true. I'm not depressed,but I am a freak.

We soon get to the limo and see that none of the other boys are there so we get inside and wait on them. As we wait Niall pulls out his phone and texts them telling them that we're in the limo. We sit in silence for a few minutes before Niall speaks up,"sorry about the fans,they always hate on the girls we're seen with,whether it's a friend or a girlfriend."

I nod a little then look down at my hands. If you haven't noticed yet,I'm shy. Very shy. That's why I haven't talked much unless one of the boys ask me a question. Most of my life I have been silent unless I was talking to my mom before she died. After that I've barely said anything.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as the door is yanked open and I'm squished into a hug. I freeze but relax a little when I realize its Louis,"I'm sorry I got separated from you. I thought you and Niall were following me." He says pulling away from the hug.

I fake smile,"it's fine" I breath as all the boys get into the limo. The order is the same except this time Louis is beside me instead of Liam. The ride home is silent But seemed faster than it was on the way there.

We get out of the car and walk into the house with Harry and Louis carrying my bags,I tried to help but they wouldn't let me, and they take them to my room. When they come back down stairs we watch Titanic and by the end of it I'm in tears. All the boys look at me,Liam,Louis and Niall in tears too, then envelope me in a hug which surprises me.

I hug them back and see them all smile at the same time. I smile then yawn as it was almost midnight. They all pull away from the hug,"go onto bed before you fall asleep on the floor,it's been a very eventful day." Louis says partly serious.

I start going up the stairs and when I'm out of sight I hear one of the boys say,"she hugged us back,do you think she's starting to trust us?" I don't hear a response because I'm too far up the stairs but I realize I am starting to trust them.

I get to the top of the stairs and hear whimpering from the room across from mine,which is Harry's,and instantly become curious to what it is. The door is cracked open so I decide to take a look.

I slowly make my way over to the door and peek into the crack and see a girl,probably about 18,with a sleeveless sparkly purple dress on with the side slightly tore at the end tied to a chair with her mouth duct taped. The girl's brown hair is knotted up and she has black eyeliner running down her face,but what surprises me the most is the blood on her neck.

The girl looks around the room frantically until her brown eyes land on me. Her eyes widen and she starts to mumble something from underneath the tape but I can't understand her. Did they kidnap her? Are they going to kill her? How did she get blood on her neck?

The questions race through my mind until I hear a deep ruff voice,"what do you think you're doing?" I turn around quickly to face a very angry looking Harry. I step away from the door quickly and my heart beat races. What if he hits me? Would he?

"I-I'm sorry-" I start but Harry cuts me off by putting his hand up.

"Save it! Just go to your room!" He says angrily. I quickly scurry past him and into my own room. I shut and lock the door then sit on my bed with questions racing through my mind still. The one question that passes through my mind before I slip into a deep sleep is one that I hope is not true: will that happen to me?



xx -C




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