Chapter 20

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*Aaliyah's POV*

"You look beautiful,Aaliyah."

"You really do. We did a great job."

Eleanor and Perrie praise themselves for their work they did on me for my date. I'm wearing a white dress that hits mid thigh and has lace in the top with a pair of black wedge heels. My makeup is light and natural and my hair is curled. We walk down the stairs and all eyes are on me when we get to the bottom. Nobody moves except Niall,who walks to stand in front of me.

He has hurt in his eyes as he takes my hand in his,"you look amazing," he says quietly,admiring me. I smile nervously at him and we just stand there,looking at each other and smiling slightly at each other.

The doorbell sounds through the house I freeze,looking past Niall and to the door,"you'll be fine and if he hurts you,I'll kill him," Niall whispers in my ear and I crack a small smile. I walk over to the door and open it,seeing Chase. We smile at each other and he takes my hand,bringing it to his mouth and kissing my knuckles. I turn to the people in my house and wave,seeing Niall looking down with a pained expression.

I close the door and turn to Chase,"hi." I say smiling and he smiles back.

"Hi," he replies and takes my hand,"so,we're going to Nando's,then we can go any where you want."

I nod and we walk to Nando's. After we eat we go to the park,by my choice,and I can't help but feel as if someone is watching us. We sit in the park alone,laying our backs and looking at the stars,"this beautiful." I say and he nods.

"Not as beautiful as you though." He replies and sits up on his elbow. I do the same as a blush creeps into my cheeks. Our eyes meet and he leans foward. I do the same.

Our lips connect and nothing happens. We're just kissing. No sparks,no fire works,nothing. Nothing like when Niall takes my hand and sparks erupts with his touch. Nothing like when he kisses my cheek or forehead and warmth spreads despite his cold lips.

Chase pulls away and smiles then looks around,"do you feel like somebody is watching us?"

I nod and look around then back to Chase,"will you be my girl friend?" he asks and I nod.

"yes!" he says and I laugh. Chase stands up then helps me up and we start walking to my house. When we get there he takes both my hands in his,"thank you for yes."

"thank you for such a fun day," I say and he kisses my cheek. He walks away and I go inside,only to instantly be pulled upstairs by two sets of warm hands. My mind goes to Perrie and Eleanor and my theory is correct when we get to my room and we all sit on my bed.

"what happened? we saw him kiss your cheek."

"what did you say yes about?"

"where did you go?"

They fire questions at me,"um...he kissed me,to be his girlfriend,and Nandos," I reply and both girls gasp.

"He kissed you?!" Perrie says at the same time Eleanor says,"you went to Nando's?!" They stare at each other before burst out laughing. When they stop they loom seriously at me.

"Was he your first kiss?" Perrie asks and I nod,"oh....that's shocking"

We talk about my date for a while before they leave me alone. I change clothes and lay down. As I fall asleep I hear my door open,but its not Harry.

I feel a cold hand move my hair from my face,"he stole something that was supposed to be mine," an Irish accent mumbles. I feel a pair of cold lips on my forehead then my cheek before the sound of my door closing and I drift asleep.


five more chapters left filled with Niliyah and a bit of Chiyah. You ready for them in the next week or two?





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