What do you think Fletch?

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Jac and Fletch lay in bed one Saturday morning. Jac had her head on his bare chest and was absentmindedly tracing patterns on his taut stomach with her finger.
She was quiet, deep in thought
"You ok babe?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah" she kissed the place where her fingers had been just a moment before
"you look deep in thought"
She sighed "I was just thinking about that young girl Vicky Taylor who came in yesterday needing the valve replacement. Did you see the social worker come for her little boy to take him into care until Vicky could look after him"
Jac carried on aware that Fletch was holding  her extra tight because he instinctively knew that she would find this situation particularly distressing given her own traumatic experiences of being in care. "I spoke to the social worker. Apparently there's a lack of emergency foster carers and so he was going to a children's home" she wiped away a single tear  "he was terrified Fletch. 4 years old -same age as Emma when we got together. Can you imagine any of ours having to go through that. Mum seriously ill. Just moved to the area, no friends, no family and being taken to an institution that I'm sure tries their best but I know better than anyone that these places are pretty loveless"
Fletch strokes her arm soothingly
"I'm so grateful that our kids have had all our love and support. Evie still at medical school, Mikey joining the Navy and Theo and the girls all seem happy"
"We are so lucky Fletch. I've been wondering for a while about applying to be short term foster carers or emergency foster carers and seeing that kid yesterday broke my heart"
Fletch chuckled "no one thought you had one before you met me babe"
"I'm being serious Fletch " she snapped
"I've been considering dropping a couple of days at work anyway and I would love to foster kids like me or the little boy yesterday"
"What do you think Fletch?"

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