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They spent the day with the usual round of swimming lessons, ballet lessons, mini football and supermarket shopping. It involved them going in different directions for most of the day ferrying kids around. All day he was looking at their children, thinking how lucky he was, how lucky they all were to have one another.
Sitting in the cafe waiting for Ella to finish her ballet lesson his phone rang
"Hi Evie" he smiled when he saw the id screen
"Hey dad"
"Run out of money again?" He joked
"Dad! Can't a girl call her dad to say hi?"
"Well hi to you. How's it going?"
Fletch had always had a special relationship with his eldest child. She was old enough to understand when her mum died, tried to be grown up when they were made homeless and had to live in the hospital basement for a short while. She would help out with her younger siblings and then welcomed Jac into their lives without reservation. Encouraging her dad to take a chance on being happy. And he was happy, happier than he'd ever been.
"Urgh exams are hideous" she laughed
"And how's lover boy?"
Evie had been seeing a law student called Ben for 2 years. He met with his and Jac's approval
"Ben's fine"
He could hear the affection in her voice
"He's actually why I'm ringing"
"You're not pregnant are you?"
"Dad! No! I'm not stupid"
"Ok ok"  he laughed  "what about him then?"
"He's asked me to marry him"
"And you said?"
"I said yes" she almost squealed
"Aw babe that's great" he laughed "so the phone call was about money then"
"We're not getting married until I'm qualified and  have started my first  F1 rotation so no panic yet Dad"
"I'm so pleased for you hun. My little girl getting married "
"Oh Dad. How's things with you?"
"I'm just waiting for Ella to finish ballet class"
"How's Jac"
"Oh dad , you're still so loved up, it's embarrassing!" Evie joked. Jac was the best thing that had ever happened to him
"Well there is something, she's asked me if we can apply to be short term fosterers"
"Ok. I can see why she would want to do that"
After a while with them Jac had felt comfortable and safe enough to open up about her past so Evie knew about how difficult Jac's own childhood has been.
"What did you say?"
"Erm well I asked for time to think about it"
"Why dad - it's a no brainer after what she's been through"
"It's not as simple as that babe. With you and Mikey away and the others growing up it felt like there was going to be more time for us I realise that sounds incredibly selfish"
"Dad, you and Jac are solid you will always find time for each other. You always did when we were all at home" she sniggered
Fletch blushed remembering a number of close calls when he and Jac had nearly been caught in compromising situations by one of the kids
He laughed "yes well......"
"I think you'd be great foster parents"
"I'll give it some serious thought. I promise. I'll have to go now Ella's done. I really am pleased for you and Ben"

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