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Just a quick filler. Feeling a bit despondent about writing Flac stuff at the minute because of the latest spoilers about Fletch sleeping with someone else.  I know all the fics are made up anyway but still x
Kieran's mum made a quick recovery and with Liam in custody, she was able to get a small  flat of her own.
Around a week after Kieran left she turned up with him at the Fletcher's house one evening.
Jac opened the door, drying her hands on a tea towel.
"Hi Kieran" Jac smiled "is this your mum?"
"Hi yes , I'm Gemma.i know this is probably against the rules but I wanted to come round and thank you and apologise about his dad"
"Come in for a minute. I'm sure we can bend the rules a little"
They went into the kitchen.
"Kieran, why don't you go and say hi to the others , they're on the play station in the living room I think"
"Ok" he went off happily
Gemma watched him "he's so much more relaxed now he knows Liam's not going to come for us. That's what I wanted to say thank you for"
Fletch joined them drying his hair on a towel having just got out of the shower
"Fletch this is Gemma, Kieran's mum" explained Jac
"Pleased to meet you"
"Gemma was just saying that Kieran's a lot more relaxed now Liam's out of the picture"
"That's good news"
"Yes I can't tell you how sorry I am that he turned up here and hurt you" she looked at Fletch "and scared everyone " she continued "but selfishly I'm so glad he did because now he's been arrested.i feel so guilty"
"Hey" Jac said gently touching Gemma's arm "it worked out for the best. Better that he tried when there were more people around to protect Kieran"
"He told me he hid with your son"
"That's right" said Fletch putting the kettle on
" you taught him well. He knew when he heard his dad's voice he had to hide. Just as well cos I was out for the count" he laughed wryly "cuppa?"
"No thanks. I should be going. Like I said not sure if this is against the rules but ..."
"Don't worry" said Jac "we won't say anything. You just get on with your new life now" Jac hugged her
Fletch observed the scene. Jac was amazing he thought . There was a time when she shied away from any physical contact with anyone other than Emma. Now she had love and hugs to spare
After Gemma had left Fletch wrapped Jac up in his arms, overwhelmed by the intense love he felt for her. Even after 7 years together there was still electricity between them.
He sighed into her neck "love you Naylor"
"Mmm" she responded "you're allowed to call me Fletcher you know. It is my name"
"I know" he said replacing his sigh with a kiss "but you'll always be Ms Naylor to me"
Jac answered by lifting her head and kissing him which promised so much more than was appropriate for their kitchen.
"How do you still do that to me" he stated. Flushed and aroused by her kiss.
Jac chuckled  " it's one of my many talents, besides I'm hardly immune to your charms Fletch" she said and began kissing him again . Their bodies were pressed tight against each other beginning to move rhythmically
"Right that's it. Stop." Fletch said pulling away. "No body should see their parents dry humping in the kitchen" he laughed
"I'll catch you later then" said Jac giving his backside a final squeeze
"Not if I catch you first" he warned
Jac rolled her eyes "you do talk bollocks sometimes Adrian" she smiled and turned on her heel
Fletch grinned to himself. If she's calling me Adrian I have definitely got her rattled.

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