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Katie's mum was being discharged on Friday. The social worker had asked Jac and Fletch to be on stand by for the weekend in case she couldn't manage.
Fletch was with Katie on Friday afternoon helping her pack her little case.
"Ella said you can keep the doctors kit" Fletch said placing it in the case"
"Thank you" she thought for a moment " can I do a picture Fletch?"
"Erm yeah. I'm sure we've got a biscuit tin full of crayons and pens. I'm sure there's paper in Jac's study. I'll sneak in and get some"
Katie sat at the kitchen table whilst Fletch made a pasta bake for tea. They had agreed that Anna the social worker would pick Katie up at around 7pm so that the Fletchers could see her and say goodbye
"What are you drawing Katie?"
"It's secret" she said covering the paper with her forearm
Fletch chuckled "Ok hun"
After they had all had tea it was soon time for Anna the social worker pick Katie up.
Katie jumped down from her chair and went round to Jac "I drew this picture for everybody" she said shyly
Jac took the picture and lifted it up to show everyone
Katie had drawn a picture of her holding her mum's hand - mum was drawn complete with a cast on her broken leg. On the other side she was holding Jac's hand, well Jac assumed it was her judging by the bright red hair then Jac was holding hands with the other tall person in the picture - Fletch. The other 3 children were holding hands with each other with Ella holding her dad's hand to complete the chain
Jac had tears in her eyes and was unable to speak, she glanced at Fletch who was pretty much in the same state but managed "that's brilliant Katie, we love it don't we kids?"
Three enthusiastic voices agreed.
Just then, the doorbell rang heralding the arrival of Anna.
Jac answered with tears still in her eyes
"Everything ok?" Anna asked
Jac laughed "yes fine,we're just saying good bye. Come in"
Everyone had by now moved to the living room and Anna and Jac were greeted with the sight of a big pile of Fletchers enveloping Katie in a group hug. She was giggling.
Anna smiled at the scene " gotta tell you Jac, in my job I don't see many houses with this much love and laughter in them"
Jac just nodded and felt a surge of love for the group hugging in front of her. Eventually Anna gently reminded them that she had to get Katie to her mum's and so finally she was gone.
The Fletchers waved her off and all felt a little deflated until Fletch stated "right everybody grab a sleeping bag we're having a Fletcher/ Naylor sleepover in the living room"
The living room sleepovers were a regular feature when the kids were little
"We haven't done that for years Dad" Ella laughed.
"Well it's long overdue then isn't it" he said capturing his youngest daughter in a playful headlock and ruffling up her hair
"Dad" she squealed "Ok,Ok I'm going"
He sent the kids off to get the sleeping bags and went over to hug Jac "you OK?"
"I'm fine" she said hugging him back "thank you"
"For what?"
"You know just being you and this. It's a good distraction having a sleepover. We should try to FaceTime Mikey and Evie"
"Yeah I'm sure that would improve their Saturday night street cred no end"
"mmm you're probably right"
Nevertheless Fletch texted Evie who was having a quiet night in with Ben so did FaceTime when they were all settled and choosing a film
Mikey was on shore leave in Singapore so not much point trying to contact him.
They settled down with popcorn and Toy Story an old family favourite.
Jac got a call the next morning to say that Katie's mum was coping just fine and said thank you
Jac put the phone down and mused that it had only been a week and their lives were not massively impacted but the effects of a week in care might have stayed with Katie for life. Jac knew even more now that short term fostering was the right choice.

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