It's alright this

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Jac called the hospital ward where Katie's mum was when they came out of swimming. Finding she was ready for visitors, Jac called in at Fletch's mum's to drop Emma off for the afternoon. Ever since Jac and Fletch got together 7 years ago, Fletch's mum had treated Emma like one of her own grandchildren. Jac's mum was dead but even if she'd been alive Jac would never have allowed her to meet Emma. Jonny's mum and dad were ok but they lived in Scotland and were not very keen on Jac to say the least so Fletch's mum was substitute mum as well as grandma. Jac guessed that maybe Katie didn't have grandparents because no body was called to look after her
"Hi grandma" Emma said bounding in the house.
"Well hello Emma" she smiled
"Hi" said Jac, greeting her mother in law with a kiss on the cheek "this is Katie"
"Hello Katie, I'm very pleased to meet you"
Katie managed a smile
"Grandma is there anything to eat" shouted Emma from the living room
Jac rolled her eyes " I just can't fill that girl up at the minute"
"She must be growing" the older woman laughed
They all went through to the small kitchen.
"I'll make some sandwiches" Fletch's mum bustled
"Thanks" said Jac " as you can see from our wet hair we've just been swimming"
"Do you like swimming Katie?"
Jac felt a wave of affection, Fletch's mum was always so inclusive and open with everyone
"I had lessons"
"Oh very good. I sink like a brick" everyone laughed including Katie
"So is it ok for me to leave Emma here for the afternoon while I take Katie to see her mum in hospital"
Fletch's mum had obviously been told of the situation
"Of course. I don't see enough of her. Do I Emma!"
Emma shook her head , mouth full of sandwich
Eventually it was time for Jac to take Katie to the hospital.
"Bye both, see you later"
It was a short drive to the hospital -Jac had had to get to grips with a car seat again this morning. She laughed to herself at how difficult and fiddly she found it having once been able to do this with her eyes shut and thought how nice it was to have a younger child with them for a while
Jac and Fletch had talked about having more children when they first got together but decided that their joined family was pretty much perfect as it was
They arrived just before visiting started at 2pm. Jac took Katie to the small hospital shop to choose a bar of chocolate for her mum
Katie held Jac's hand tightly as they approached her mum's bedside.
" hey baby" Katie's mum Sara said holding out her arms the best she could with a chest drain in
"Mummy" Jac lifted her up so she could hug her mum
"Hi, I'm Jac" she held out her hand for Sara to shake
"Hi" there were tears in Sara's eyes "thank you for looking after her"
"It's our pleasure. I'll leave you too for a few minutes" she bent down to Katie "Don't forget to give mummy the chocolate" she whispered
Jac went to the hospital cafe to give them some time alone.
After a while she returned. Katie was sat on the edge of the bed chattering happily with her mother. Jac observed them for a moment. Katie had not been that animated or relaxed since she came to their house. Poor kid must've been terrified thought Jac
"Hi again" said Jac "visiting time's nearly over" she smiled at the pair
"She likes staying with you and your family Jac. You like being with some other children don't you?" She addresses Katie who nodded enthusiastically
"They're a little older but they like having her there"
"So you've got 3?"
Jac chuckled "we've got 5 between us actually but two have left home"
"Can't imagine her ever being old enough to leave home"
"Have they said how long you're going to be in?"
"I think about 5 days then social services have to come and see how I would cope with Katie at home. We do ok don't we baby?" Sara smiled at her daughter.
Katie was talking a bit on the way home. The visit seemed to have reassured her that her mum was poorly but she would be going back home as soon as she was a little better
When they got home everyone was in the garden including Emma and Fletch's mum. He had decided to have a bbq and was busily cooking outside whilst the kids are messing about on the trampoline. His mum was inside making salad and cutting buns.
Jac told Katie to join the others and went over to Fletch, snaking her arms around his waist from behind giving him a shock
"Blimey Jac. That's a dangerous game to play when I'm cooking with fire". But he was laughing as he turned and gave his wife a kiss.
"Sorry" she smirked "you're just too irresistible"
Uncharacteristically Fletch rolled his eyes at her. Then he grinned gesturing to the trampoline
"It's alright this isn't it?"
"It's great" Jac agreed leaning her head on his shoulder as her put his arm round her.

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