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Jac was sitting in her office on a Friday evening. She'd stayed late to clear her paperwork as she wouldn't be back at work until Wednesday afternoon. Her mobile rang - she saw it was Fletch. She answered annoyed at the interruption, she just wanted to crack on and get home
"I'll be done soon. I'll finish much quicker without interruption Fletch" she snapped
"Jac there's a 3 year old girl being dropped off at our  house in 45 minutes"
"Oh my god. Erm I'm coming straight away. Sorry for snapping babe"
Fletch laughed " Don't worry, just get home I'm really nervous. The kids are buzzing"
She smiled "I'm excited nervous Fletch"
Jac arrived home 15 minutes later
"Hey" she said entering the kitchen where everyone had congregated
"Hey" came a chorus
"So what's the story " asked Jac
"Details pretty sketchy but the social worker said that her mum was involved in an RTC. Single mum. Originally from Aberdeen no family near by. Social services picked Katie up from childminders. Mum has a broken leg and has a tension pneumothorax, probably going to be in for about a week but then they have to assess how well she can cope with Katie when discharged"
"Where's the mother?"
"St James'"
"Ok" said Jac "I guess we just wait now then"
A short while later the social worker arrived with a little girl who was already dressed in her pyjamas, dressing gown and pink rabbit slippers. In her hand was a much loved cuddly dog. She was sucking her thumb and clinging to Beth the social worker
"Hello everyone this is Katie" said Beth kindly
"Hi Katie" said Jac stepping forward, sensing that the little girl would respond better to a woman. "I love your slippers" Jac smiled
"I wonder if they do them in my size"
Katie looked at Jac with wide eyes and there was a ghost of a smile when Jac wondered if she could get the rabbit slippers in her size. After a pause Katie held out her arms to Jac who took her from Beth
"Now Katie knows that you're all going to look after her whilst her mummy is in hospital."
She turned to Katie "Jac is a doctor and Fletch is a nurse Katie"
Katie looked between Jac and Fletch her 3 year old brain struggling with them not meeting the stereotype of male doctor and female nurse
"Nice to meet you Katie. Would you like hot chocolate" Fletch said
She nodded shyly still holding onto Jac tightly
"Why don't you go with Jac and the others to the kitchen" Beth addressed Katie " I just need to have a little word with Fletch"
Katie nodded. Ella, Emma and Theo followed Jac into the kitchen. Fletch and Beth went into the living room
"How is she?" Fletch asked
"She is being very brave" Beth smiled " this is one of my easier cases. There are no concerns about her welfare there's just simply no one to look after her, especially at the weekend. She's allowed to visit mum in hospital I've written the details down there. All relevant numbers etc are in there too"
"It would be best if she keeps her weekly routine and goes to the childminder on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Does that work for you two work wise?"
Fletch smiled "couldn't be better. We're both off at the weekend and Jac doesn't go back to work until Wednesday afternoon. I can take over then"
"Ok. That sounds good. One of my team will pop over on Sunday and you know where we are if there's a problem" Beth stood up
"I'll go and say goodbye"
They made their way to the kitchen quietly and observed the scene. Jac had made everyone hot chocolate and now Ella and Emma were showing Katie how to use the squirty cream and the best way to add marshmallows so that you got more. Katie looked more relaxed but still kept looking at Jac for reassurance, still clinging to her toy dog.
Fletch's heart swelled with love for his family. He caught Jac's eye and smiled, she returned his smile. She looked truly happy.
Doing this was definitely the right decision he thought as he saw Beth to the door.

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