New Year's Eve

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As the week went on and New Year drew closer, the house became quieter. Evie went to Ben's parents, Mikey's leave was up and Emma was going to Scotland with Jonny and after much pleading, Ella was going too.
"Not had a New Year this quiet since the kids were little" Fletch commented as they lay in bed on New Year's eve morning.
"I know it's weird for this house to be so quiet"
"Yeah we're normally a rowdy lot" Fletch chuckled
"We'll need to tread carefully with Jenny. The social worker is coming later. I wonder what will happen to her"
"We should adopt her" Fletch blurted out, not really thinking
"Are you serious?"
"I think so" he considered "Yeah why not. She has no one else"
"Oh I love you Fletcher" exclaimed Jac  planting a kiss firmly on his lips. She loved this man who accepted all her flaws, all her issues from childhood and understood her need to try to save any child from having to live through what she had.
"Well I love you too" Fletch said snaking his hand inside her pyjama top. He was just beginning to nuzzle her neck, eliciting soft moans from his wife when they were interrupted by Tilly crying
Fletch groaned in frustration .
Jac giggled "you sure you want another baby in the house?"
"Of course. They'll be plenty of time for this later. If you remember back a few years Jac, you and I can be very creative at getting time alone- I absolutely don't mind having to do that again" he said cheekily
"You stay in bed babe, I'll bring you a cuppa"
"Actual angel Naylor" he said stretching out his long legs. She smiled to herself - he still had it going on
Jac found Jenny warming Tilly's  milk
"Morning" said Jac "can I have a little cuddle with Tilly"
Jenny smiled and handed the baby to Jac.
"How you doing Jenny?"
"I don't really know but I'm grateful that I'm here and not in my own"
Jac's heart went out to this young girl. Hard to believe she was a mother.
"Did you remember that the social worker is coming today to check how things are going"
"Yes I remember. I wish I knew what was going to happen to me"
Jac cleared her throat "Erm Fletch and I were talking and we wondered how you would feel if we applied to adopt you?"
Jenny stared at Jac. tears threatening to fall she whispered "do you mean it"
"Oh darling of course we mean it. I wouldn't have said. I don't know what the process is it even if they will let us do it but we'll fight for you"
"Thank you so much" Jenny sobbed and went to hug Jac who was still holding Tilly
"If we are allowed to do this I promise you that you will always feel safe. And Tilly will have two ready made grandparents who will spoil her rotten "
Jenny giggled "I wish you had met my gran, she would have liked you"

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