This will never change

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It was Christmas Eve and that meant crazy town at the Fletcher's. Mikey had rung last night with surprise leave for a week so Fletch had gone with Ella, Emma and Theo to pick him up from the train station.
Jac loved it when the house was bursting at the seams. She had already done battle in the war zone of the supermarkets at 5.30am and now it was all about last minute preparations.
By lunchtime, Mikey was home and they all sat round to eat
"I can't remember the last time we were all together" said Fletch happily. His heart swelling with love for  this family
"Certainly beats the slop we get in the mess" Mikey said, enthusiastically tucking into his meal.
Jenny offered to help Evie wash up. Tilly was asleep and everyone else was just pottering around.
"I'll get it" Fletch called as he passed the ringing phone
"Hello?" He said cheerily
It was the stroke ward. They told him that Jenny's grandmother had taken a turn for the worse and wasn't expected to last the day.
"Ok thanks for letting us know" Fletch slowly put the phone down
Jac had looked over when she heard that his voice was no longer his normal cheery tone.
"It's Jenny's gran. They don't expect her to last the day"
Jac's hand flew to her mouth as she gasped "Oh the poor thing. Ok we need to tell her and then get down there. Things are pretty much sorted here. You stay and I'll go to the hospital with her. Is that ok?"
Fletch nodded and then wrapped his arms around her "we are so lucky to have all this Jac"
"We are" she said returning his hug
"Well good to see some things haven't changed since I went away" commented Mikey
"This will never change mate" Fletch replied

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