Jac's home

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"Kieran,Kieran" the voice was angry
In the garden Kieran froze. "That's my dad we have to hide"
This had been drummed into him from an early age.
"Under the decking quick" whispered Theo immediately understanding the seriousness of the situation. It had been a favourite hiding place of  Mikey's when he had been at home. He was in trouble a lot!
They wriggled under the boards quietly and held their breath as Kieran's dad obviously realised that he wasn't in the house and made his way out through the French doors to the garden.
"Kieran" the voice sounded angrier. Both boys stayed as quiet and still as they could. Unless you knew the special way to get under the decking it would be difficult to find them. Even Jac and Fletch never worked it out.
He roamed around the garden, they could see him angrily looking around before going back into the house. Even when it was all quiet the boys stayed where they were.
Meanwhile Fletch was still out cold in the hall. Liam had left the house having failed to find his son but sat in his car further down the road to watch for any sign of Kieran. Jac was by now on her way home with the two girls. They were singing along to something or other that Jac had never heard of. She smiled to herself. She and Fletch were teenagers of the eighties and in her eyes you couldn't better that decade for music.
They pulled up and everyone piled our. Jac was excited to see Kieran and get to know him.
Opening the front door Jac let out a scream as she saw Fletch unconscious on the floor. Immediately she thought of Kieran's dad.
"Ella call 999. Police and ambulance" she had just been connected when a harsh voice said
"Put the phone down sweetheart" a suited man had entered the still open front door. Jac was kneeling beside Fletch
" now then red are you going to tell me where my son is?"
Jac managed to keep her voice steady " I don't know" that at least was the truth, she really didn't know where he was.
"Well he wasn't home with him" he gestured towards Fletch "and he's not come home with you" he pulled Jac to her  feet " SO WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" He shouted millimetres from her face. Again she didn't let her fear show in her voice "I said I don't know"
Ella and Emma were holding onto each other with wide eyes looking and their mum, dad and this man.
He suddenly turned to them " maybe if I came over here it would jog your memory eh"
He approached the girls and stroked their faces
Jac was like a lioness "you don't lay a fucking finger on them" she had jumped up and was squaring up to him " or what darlin' ?"
"I'll rip your fucking eyes out" then quick as a flash she took him by surprise and place a well aimed knee in his groin. He sank to the ground in agony "you bitch" he groaned
"Girls run" said Jac. They went out of the front door leaving Jac, Liam and Fletch in the hall

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