Melted heart

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Jac had the difficult job of telling Jenny the news. She managed to get her alone in the kitchen.
"Jenny, we've had a call from the hospital"
Jenny looked at her with wide eyes
"Sweetheart it's not good news, they want you to go in straight away. I think it sounds likely that your gran might pass away today"
"I'll come with you. Tilly will be fine here with the others, it sounds like your gran is unconscious so she wouldn't be able to see her anyway"
A solitary tear rolled down Jenny's cheek. Jac pulled her into a tight hug - an action so alien to her before Fletch which was now entirely instinctive for her. Jenny began to quietly sob and Jac's once icy heart went out to her.
After a short while Jenny pulled away
"Can we go now"
"Of course" Jac said "let me just get the car keys"
Jac went upstairs to find Fletch in their room last minute wrapping
"What are you doing get out" he shouted, diving on the bed to hide any gifts
Jac turned on her heel softly laughing
"Last minute dot com Adrian?" She paused "I'm taking Jenny to the hospital now babe.I'll call you later"
Fletch appeared at the bedroom door. He drew her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "I'll take care of everything here" he said gently
Jac and Jenny drove to the hospital in silence and were soon on the ward. Jac kept a discreet  distance and went to the relative's room, first telling Jenny where she would be.
Jac called the duty social worker to explain the situation and check that it was ok for Jenny and Tilly to stay with them for the time being. The last thing she wanted was for Jenny and her daughter to be shipped off to a mother and baby hostel. Especially at Christmas. Social services were more than happy for them to stay with the Fletchers.
Around an hour later a nurse came to get Jac
"Mrs Fletcher" Jac smiled to herself - obviously agency or new to the hospital as they didn't know who she was "Jenny is asking for you. Her grandmother has just passed away"
"Thank you" said Jac "could you show me where"
Jenny's gran had been moved into a side room when her condition deteriorated. Jac gently knocked and entered. Jenny was holding her gran's hand, silent sobs racking her body. She looked so young. So alone. Jac rushed over and took her in her arms. Jenny was properly sobbing now, Jac crying a little as well at the unfair sadness of the situation.
"Sssh" Jac soothed stroking her hair and back
""I don't know what I'm going to do without her"
"You have a little girl who needs you and we are looking after you both just now"
There was nothing else that Jac could say to make Jenny feel any better. All she could do was be there for her. Fletch was so much better at this stuff. She had improved since meeting him but comforting distressed people did not come naturally to her.
"Just let me know if you need anything. Take your time here. Do you want me to stay with you"
"Yes please" Jenny whispered "the nurses said I could help wash her and things but after that I don't know what to do"
"Oh hun we can help. We'll take care of everything"
"Thank you Jac" Jenny hugged her again "sorry I've ruined Christmas"
"It's not important, there will be other Christmases"
Jenny gave her a wobbly smile "I just need to focus on Tilly now don't I?"
Jac nodded. This young girl was going to have to grow up fast.

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