It's a lot to ask

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Fletch considered his response to Jac's question.
He knew it was incredibly important to his wife but part of him, the selfish part of him wanted them to take advantage of 2 of the kids leaving home and the others being a lot more self sufficient.
The last 7 years had presented challenges that they'd faced as a family. Sometimes, as with all families, the couple at the centre gets neglected. He smiled to himself, he and Jac being together at all was pretty much unbelievable because of the defences that she had built up after her time in care. But he had carefully and methodically broken down those defences to the point where she agreed to marry him 5 years ago on what was the best day of his life.
He would do anything for Jac but he had to be honest about his reservations
"Is it ok if I think about it Jac?" He said nervously
She sat up and took his hand in hers  "of  course hun. It's a lot to ask I know. But promise me you'll consider what we could offer these distressed children"
She was pulling at his  heart strings and he felt like a terrible person for even contemplating saying no because he wanted more time with her, more time with 'them'. Less time being in constant demand as parents and more time being Jac and Fletch
"I promise I will give it serious thought" he kissed her on the forehead " I love you Naylor" It always made her smile when he said that. In all other areas of life apart from work she was Mrs Fletcher but his declarations of love often came with a Naylor at the end
"Well I love you too Fletcher" he also smiled at her response which had over the years become their private joke from the time when she was his patient after the Holby shooting . Wow was that really 7 years ago. He resolved he must catch up with Essie soon.
"Come on let's rally the troops" he said."I'll start breakfast" and so they put in motion the well oiled machine that was their morning routine. Could he cope with that being disrupted?

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