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Sunday morning breakfast in bed was something that Fletch had been doing for Jac for as long as he remembered. Today was pancakes and strawberries.
"Jac - wakey wakey "
Jac opened her eyes and smiled at her husband. Even after 5 years it felt strange referring to Fletch as her husband
"Hey you" she said sitting up. He joined her and poured coffee
"You might not be getting this luxury when we start fostering"
"Fletch you're not just doing this for me are you? I need you to want to do it too"
"Jac " he reached for her hand and raised her knuckles to his lips "you know I would do anything for you and yes I'm doing this partly for you. But what kind of man would I be to be so selfish as to not want to share all our love and our family with a child who really needs it."
She returned his gesture and raised his hand to her lips
"Thank you" she whispered
He kissed her temple.
"So we need to ask the kids as well" he said
"I did have a brief look on the website. I think we have to talk to the older ones who've left home as well. Social services will also want to talk to your mum and Jonny" she rolled her eyes at the mention of Jonny. Her relationship with the father of her child had certainly had it's ups and downs over the years. They had now settled into a relationship where they were at least civil to one another and
open to compromise "they have to talk to and do checks on any adult that may come into contact with the looked after child"
"Makes sense" Fletch said munching his pancakes "when were you going to talk to HR about reducing your hours, although how the  hell you expect Darwin to cope with only half Jac is beyond me. Nevermind Darwin, I won't be able to cope"
Jac chuckled "Darwin will cope. Frieda's a consultant now. And as for you, you still get me at home Mr Fletcher. All of me" she said suggestively
"Really" he said removing the breakfast tray. He leant over and snaked his hand inside her pyjama top "all of you?"
Jac giggled as Fletch tickled her and then began slowly stroking and caressing her
"You get sexier every day" he nuzzled into her neck.
Jac moaned softly "Fletch"
"We need to....." Jac lost track of what she was saying as Fletch began placing featherlite kisses down her stomach
"Ssssh Naylor"

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