Not good enough

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The next few weeks flew by. Jac had spoken to HR and it was agreed that she could drop her hours so that she would be only working 2 and a half days a week. The social workers had inspected the house, talked to all the kids
including Evie and Mikey and talked to and run checks on Fletch's mum and Jonny. They were waiting for official confirmation that they had been approved.
One Friday night Fletch and Jac were sitting at the kitchen table sharing a bottle of wine. The kids were all watching a music programme on TV
"God I feel old" said Fletch chuckling "I don't know any of the bands on that top of the pops rip off"
"0h stop it,  you're not old Fletch" Jac laughed "what happens if we get a foster kid who hates me because I don't know who the latest hot new thing is"
Jac laid her hand on his "you're not supposed to - it's really cringey and embarrassing when parents try to be ' down with the kids'. God you've had 4 , 5 if you include Emma, you know this. So what's really bothering you Fletch? You're not having second thoughts are you?" Jac said concerned.
"No no of course not" he reassured her " just worried I'm not good enough. We have to get it right for these kids who are upset or being neglected. I want their time with us to be perfect"
Jac smiled " I love you Fletcher" she continued "Their time with us won't be perfect because normal family life isn't, but that's what they'll be craving - normal family life where they feel safe and cared for not some idealised advertising version of family life. You're gonna be great, you will always good enough, look at how you dealt with Emma joining your family. You didn't treat her any differently to how you treated your 4"
He gave a cheeky smile "I had an ulterior motive there though, I was in love with her mother and trying to get her into bed"
"Shut up" Jac playfully hit him on the arm "anyway you'd done that before we moved in and you know as well as I do you wouldn't have done things any different even if I wasn't in the equation"
"I'm so glad you were though"
Jac rolled her eyes "enough wine for you I think Adrian"
Fletch's response was to place his hand on her inner thigh and begin stroking and caressing her.
"Fletch" she moaned softly "you're very naughty.....mmmm" she breathed
She pulled him in for a lingering sensual kiss. He was responding with his own quiet moans now
"Urgh god Dad, get a room it's disgusting" said Ella walking in looking for a drink
They sprang apart blushing
Fletch cleared his throat "ever heard of knocking young lady"
"Ever heard of not confusing a kitchen with a bedroom"
The three of them looked at each other and burst out laughing
Ella got her drink and returned to the living room shaking her head but smiling nevertheless
"See - that is imperfect family life and I wouldn't have it any other way. The kids are used to us being openly affectionate with each other and although it's cringey for everyone involved think how secure that makes them feel that mum and dad actually like and love each other and don't spend every minute arguing or worse"
"Ok, I'll stop worrying then shall I?" Said Fletch wrapping her in his arms
"Definitely"said Jac returning his hug

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