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Normal family life resumed for a couple of weeks until one night they received a phone call at 2.30am. Fletch answered
Jac was immediately awake. Phone calls at that time of day were generally not good news
"OK, OK yes of course. She's right here yes. OK. I understand. Thanks"
Jac looked at him with expectant eyes. He reached for her hands
"They're bringing a little boy round. Kieran. He's 7 and he and his mum are in a safe house because of domestic violence from his dad. She's been rushed in for an emergency appendectomy and he can't stay at the safe house by himself, also there is a suspicion that the Dad may have found the safe house so they were about to move anyway"
"Poor kid" Jac said "well the room's ready, let's get up and wait. We'll just have to tell the kids tomorrow. I'll have to go in to work but I'll try to finish on time for once. You're off tomorrow aren't you babe"
"Yes. Slow down Jac, it's fine. Come here"
He enveloped her in an affectionate hug and kissed the top of her head.
A short while later a social worker Zac brought a very tired and scared looking little boy round. Jac tried not to imagine what awful things he'd already experienced in his short life
"Kieran, this is Jac and Fletch. Remember I said they were going to look after you until your mummy is better"
He nodded and then yawned
Fletch crouched down to his level "Hey mate do you want to go to bed?"
The little boy nodded and solemnly followed Fletch upstairs
"Is he OK?" Jac asked
"He's managing well considering. His mum Gemma is in Holby City. I know you work there?"
"That's right"
"I'm not sure if he'll be allowed to visit, we're concerned about his Dad. Suspicion is that he has found the safe house so we're having to be extra careful. Kieran will be off school until we can be sure his Dad isn't going to turn up there so he'll probably have to change schools and they'll probably have to move once Gemma comes out of hospital "
"OK" Jac said trying to take all this in "how much does he know?"
"Not a lot. He knows his dad might try to find him or take him" he rifled through his bag "here's the number for my team. Listen, there's nothing to say that his Dad knows where he is but don't hesitate to call the police if you have any suspicion that his Dad is lurking around. He's called Liam"
"Right" she said taking the paper "I'll see you out"
The next morning Kieran was introduced to everybody. Mindful of the potential trouble from his father the kids were asked not to talk to anyone about Kieran being there, not even friends.
"Jac have you remembered we're going to grandma's for tea"said Ella and Emma
Jac rolled her eyes "what do you think?" They both laughed at her trying to be stern as she gave them the Naylor death stare
"Time was that look would have anybody quaking in their boots" Fletch commented chuckling
"Never seemed to put you off" Jac huffed
"I'm immune"
"Come on school awaits your young minds" Jac called . She bent down to Kieran "you have a nice day with Fletch and I'll see you later OK?"
He nodded and soon the chaos and noise was over and it was just Kieran and Fletch. They decided to go shopping for tea and came home via the park and ice cream van.
Kieran seemed to relax with Fletch who told him lots of funny stories.
They hadn't been back long when Theo got home.
"Is there anything to eat Dad?"
"Have an apple"
"Urgh never anything good to eat here"
Theo sported Kieran sitting quietly watching the interaction
"Do ya wanna play football in the garden?"
They were getting on well thought Fletch as he looked out of the kitchen window, the doorbell disturbed his thoughts.
He opened the door to man slightly younger than him in a suit. Nothing to arouse suspicion. Fletch smiled with a can I help you look
"Where is he?"
Fletch looked blankly back not comprehending what the man had said. Surely this wasn't Kieran's dad.
No sooner had the thought entered Fletch's head, he was knocked out by a single blow to the side of the head and kicked in the side for good measure.

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