Grandpa Fletch

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Jac smiled at the young girl. "Is there anything you need hun?"
"Erm I need to sterilise some bottles"
"Ok, leave it to me I'm sure I can remember how to use a steriliser. What about a drink?"
"Could I have some milk please?"
"Of course"
Jac made her way to the kitchen. Evie was now chatting to Jenny which made Jac feel the familiar warmness of affection that had become second nature to her since she allowed this family into her icy heart.
"I'm Evie, have you met Ella, Emma and Theo?" Evie indicated to her siblings who were standing by the door
"Hi" all three of them smiled-not fazed by newcomers in the house
"And there's our brother Mikey but he's away in the navy"
"Hi" said Jenny. She was only a couple of years older than Ella and still felt a child herself and yet here she was sitting with a baby of her own
"How old is Tilly?" asked Emma sitting down having peeped into the car seat where the baby was still fast asleep
"She's 6 weeks old" Jenny said
"Aw she's tiny" Ella commented
"I'll catch you later" Theo said heading back to his room and his computer. Girls and baby talk - no thanks!
Jac came back in with a tray of milk, mince pies and warm juice for Ella and Emma
"Thanks mum" said Emma
"Thanks Jac" said Ella
Jenny looked between them confused
"I had Emma and Fletch had his 4 before we got together, but all the kids are ours, no one is treated any differently" Jac explained
"That's nice" Jenny stated "I don't have any brothers or sisters" she said with a hint of sadness
"Have they said how your gran is?" Jac asked gently
"Not really. She can't talk and they've taken her to a special ward"
"You know that me and Fletch work at the hospital don't you?"
"Yeah Angela said"
"We can check in on her and find out exactly what's happening"
"Thanks. You're all really nice thank you"
Just then Fletch cane leaping down the stairs
"All done. Ooh mince pies brilliant"
God he really was like a loveable puppy at times thought Jac.. Just then Tilly woke up
"Oh, I hope that wasn't me" Fletch said guiltily
"No it's ok. She's due a feed" said Jenny
She reached into the car seat
"Come on gorgeous girl time to get you fed"
The Fletchers carried on with their Christmas preparations whilst Jenny fed her little girl.
Jac came back into the living room whilst Jenny was trying to wind Tilly without much success. She smiled at Jac "gran's much better than me at this"
"Want me to have a go?"
"Would you mind, I need the loo anyway"
"There's one down here or upstairs if you want to get your things sorted"
Jac grabbed a Muslim square and gently took Tilly from her mother.
Jac sat with Tilly at her shoulder and lightly patted and rubbed her back.
Fletch walked past the door and just stopped and stared.
Jac was singing softly to Tilly. He realised that in all the years he'd known her he had never seen her hold a baby. He was a bit choked watching her
"Did you want something Fletch?" Jac said with her back to the door
"How do you do that" he chuckled entering the room "just never seen you holding a baby before" he put his arm round Jac and kissed her forehead
Tilly burped "oh good girl. I bet that feels better" Jac chuckled
"Fletch joined in "it's the only time in a person's life when they are praised for burping. I just get told I'm a disgusting pig"
"You are a disgusting pig" Jac answered
"Do you ever wish we'd had one" Fletch asked offering to take Tilly
"We did speak about it Fletch remember but we decided that we were so lucky with what we had"
She watched Fletch looking entirely comfortable with the little one who was nearly asleep on his shoulder. Her heart filled again with her love for him
"You'll make a brilliant grandpa" she said cheekily
"Naylor you are lucky I have a child in my arms because you are gonna pay for that"
Nevertheless he was grinning 'grandpa Fletch ' has quite a ring to it

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