Christmas Day

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They arrived home much later. Fletch was sitting with baby Tilly having just fed her.
"Let me hold her" Jenny said in a wobbly voice 
"Of course"
She took Tilly from Fletch. She was nearly asleep
"I'll take her up" she paused  "thank you both"
"No problem hun" Fletch said standing up and putting his arm round Jac who still had tears in her eyes
"Shitty day huh?" He stated  "we'll have to get the kids to rein it in a bit tomorrow. God knows how Jenny's going to cope with Christmas"
"Hey, we are the Fletchers, we'll figure it out together"
"I love you" he kissed her lightly
"I know"she said
"And?" He teased, threatening to tickle her
"I love you too. I surrender leave me be" she laughed quietly. It almost felt wrong to be happy on this day.
Jac yawned "help me put the presents out please Fletch"
They solemnly put at 7 piles of presents for their children,and smaller ones for Jenny and Tilly
"Come on let's go to bed or else Santa Claus won't come" she said when they'd finished
"Hope you've been a good girl Ms Naylor"
"Well maybe I'll let you be the judge of that" she said suggestively
Despite their ages, the kids were all up early and as a family tradition they all ended up on Jac and Fletch's bed opening stockings - even Mikey
"Hey you lot" Fletch said opening one eye
Jac sat up "listen kids" Jac said softly "Jenny's grandma died last night"
"Oh poor Jenny" Evie said
"I know it's rubbish. Jenny won't want to feel like she's ruined Christmas but if we could all be less 'team Fletcher'"
Team Fletcher was code for any raucous family activity. Sometimes with a purpose but even then loud.
"Ok" they all agreed
"Who wants waffles?" Fletch asked finally opening the other eye
Everyone loved Fletch's waffles. There was no sound from Jenny's room so they left her in the hope that she and Tilly were getting some sleep.
No one ever got dressed on Christmas Day in the Fletcher household so after presents and breakfast everyone was doing their own thing when Jenny came down with Tilly. She stood at the bottom of the stairs and surveyed the scene. The pyjama clad family pottering about on Christmas Day. It was obvious that she had been crying.
Evie went straight over
"Jenny I'm so sorry to hear about your gran" she said pulling Jenny in for a hug.
Jenny smiled faintly "thanks"
"Come on" Evie said "there's a couple of presents for you and Tilly by the window over there"
Jac observed the scene from the doorway. Fletch came up behind her and put his arms round her waist
"You ok babe?"
"I'm fine. Just thinking that you've raised a lovely caring girl in Evie. She's so warm and open"
"We've raised a lovely girl Jac. Not me. She was only 14 when we got together. You've been there through the boyfriend traumas, the exams, the moving away"
"She's just so different to the way I was as that age"
"That's hardly a fair comparison is it? Evie has been lucky enough to have a stable, loving family home and sadly you didn't" he brushed his lips against her neck
"I wonder what will happen to Jenny?"
"All we can do is be there for her at the minute"
Whilst she was sitting at the hospital waiting for Jenny, Jac began thinking about how much Jenny and Tilly were going to need a secure future together and if the Fletchers could be a part of that
Jac wondered of Fletch was thinking along the same lines as her but that was a discussion for another day .
"Love you" said Jac. The words that she once struggled with now came so easily to her
"You too" said Fletch "right" he said releasing Jac from his hold "I need volunteers for sprout duty"
The whole family groaned. Jac laughed "come on, we all know it's going to be me - it is every year"
"I know, it was worth a try. At least I get you to myself in the kitchen"
"Smelling like sprouts? Mmm very attractive"
Fletch just chuckled and marvelled at his good fortune at having met and fallen in love with Jac and that the rest of his family had fallen in love with her as well.

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