Let's do it

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"Hey" called Fletch as he brought Ella back.
Theo had been dropped off by a friend from football and Jac was back from swimming and supermarket with Emma. She was busy unpacking shopping when he came in
He kissed her briefly. Looking round he wondered again how an extra little person who was probably upset would fit in to this routine.
"I have news" Fletch said " everyone gather round - Evie is getting married"
"Oh my god" Jac exclaimed, hands to her mouth and tears in her eyes. "How is that even possible it's only 2minutes since she was 15"
Fletch went over to hug his wife " I know it's crazy. What do you think kids?"
Theo as a 10 year old boy had little interest but commented that he liked Ben as he played football.
Ella and Emma began chattering immediately about bridesmaid outfits and hair and shoes
He whispered to Jac "do you think I should tell them it's not going to be for a couple of years yet!" Jac giggled "nah let them have a girly planning session". Even though Evie's room was empty now, the two girls preferred to share a room as they had done since Emma and Jac moved in 6 and a half years ago
Later Jac and Fletch were snuggled on the sofa after the kids had gone to bed
Fletch was deep in thought. Evie was right they did always find time  for each other emotionally as well as physically and really it was a no brainer given Jac's past. He loved her so much and this was so important to her. It had taken years for her to let people get close, to let him love her and Jac didn't want anyone else to have an experience that required building of emotional defences. I mean look at Evie, open, honest allowing herself to love and be loved in return without reservations, Jac could never have done that because of what she'd been through
"Let's do it " Fletch said
"Sorry?" Jac said sleepily
"Let's apply to be foster carers"
Jac sat up " Oh Fletch are you sure"
"Sure" he smiled "we're gonna be awesome"

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