The famous spider song

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Jac and Fletch sat outside around the small fire pit they had after everyone had gone to bed. Katie had really joined in well and was more relaxed after seeing her mum. She'd still asked Jac to sit with her until she went to sleep
"I'm whacked" commented Jac " looking after little kids is much more tiring than open heart surgery"
Fletch grabbed her hand "you love it Naylor" he grinned
She squeezed his hand "Yeah you're right I do"
"I'm not surprised you're knackered you have been doing all the running around"
"And you've looked after everyone else and made a fab bbq. Fletch we've always been a good team why should you feel any different about this"
Fletch took a deep breath "OK. Just hear me out"
"Go on"
"I'm worried that you might get too emotionally involved if you do it all. I worry that you want to put right everything that you went through as a child by investing everything in the children we might foster"
"Wow" Jac said eventually "I don't know what to do with that" she looked across at Fletch "Do you really think I'm doing that" she asked
"I don't know babe, I just wondered, I'm just worried"
"Before I met you Fletch I was broken. I was broken for a long time and back then I couldn't have done this. It's only because of you that I can do this now. I'm fine, but Fletch keep an eye on me please"
Fletch winked "I've always got my eye on you Jac"
" Urgh" Jac groaned rolling her eyes "come on let's go to bed"
"That's the best idea you've had all night"
The next morning the social worker was due to visit to check how Katie had settled in. Jac welcomed her in. The social worker wanted to speak to Jac alone first. Whilst they were in the kitchen Fletch was in the living room with Emma and Katie. Theo had extra football training and Ella was at a friends birthday party.
The three were just chatting
"Emma" said Fletch " Do you remember a little while before me and your mum got together and they brought you to ward because you wouldn't stay in the crèche?"
"Mm vaguely"
"Anyway do you remember the song that I made up that cheered you up"
Emma groaned " the spider song" she was smiling though
"Do you think we could teach it to Katie?"
"Would you like to learn the Fletcher spider song Katie?" Asked Emma
"Yes please" Katie sounded excited
"Right" said Fletch
Over the next ten minutes Emma and Fletch sang the spider song with actions, silly voices and at the end they all had to pull a face .
Katie was laughing helplessly at Fletch's rendition and then they all did it together. Every time somebody made a mistake they had to start again
Jac didn't get very far with the social worker before they were interrupted by the loud laughter coming from the living room
"What on earth is going on?" Laughed the social worker
"That would be my husband" Jac said "he has a knack of causing chaos and hilarity wherever he goes" Jac said pretending to be exasperated but the social worker could hear the affection in her voice,
They both quietly opened the living room door and peeped in
Katie was sitting on Fletch's knee trying to pull  a funny face for the end of the song. He was pulling even worse ones and then she couldn't maintain hers for laughing.
"Fletch!" She said loudly hitting him lightly on the chest "stop making me laugh"
"Ow" he said dramatically pretending that  she'd hurt him which made her and Emma just collapse in fits of giggles
"Hey" said Fletch noticing the two women peeping round the door.
"I'm being attacked" he laughed "shall we show Jac and ...?"
"Shall we show Jac and Anna  our spider song"
"ah the spider song that explains the hilarity" smiled Jac "it's a family favourite" Jac explained
Jac and Anna sat on the sofa and Fletch and the girls gave their performance of the spider song
At the end Katie announced that she wanted to show her mum
"Why don't you take her for visiting this afternoon" said Jac smiling at Fletch
"OK. Is that OK" he asked Katie
Katie nodded grinning

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