It's all over

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"Ok" said Fletch, "who wants takeaway pizza"
"Great idea" said Jac. She herded everyone into the living room whilst Fletch ordered the food
"Are you all alright?" She questioned them as they sat down.
"Well we kinda missed the action" Theo said with a faint air of disappointment.
"Oh I dunno, having to hide like you did without giving yourselves away was pretty awesome"
"Hmm suppose"
"I'm glad you were there with me" Kieran spoke unexpectedly
Theo reddened "anytime mate"
"I'm proud of you all for keeping so calm" said Jac
"What about you mum?!" Emma said "Ella do you remember when we were little and she used to be called the ice queen at work?"
Ella nodded " yeah. That today was total ice queen"
Jac laughed "I was shaking inside but there was no way I was going to let him hurt anyone I love"
"Who's calling my wife ice queen" Fletch asked as he walked in. "I melted her years ago" the whole family groaned and rolled their eyes at him. Kieran laughed. That was good to hear.
Fletch's phone rang and he went into the kitchen to take it. Jac came in to make drinks just as he was ending the call
Jac raised an eyebrow questioningly
"That was the police. Apparently Liam is wanted for all sorts . And now they're charging him with ABH to me and attempted abduction and threats to harm you. In addition to stalking charges, drink driving and another assault charge, which I don't think the copper was supposed to tell me about, he won't be granted bail and will probably get 10 years + in prison. He'd pretty much been on the run until today so at least some good's come out of it and Kieran and his mum won't have to live in fear anymore"
Jac reached out to hug him " it could have been so much worse Fletch.when I first saw you I thought you were dead" she choked back a sob
"Hey come on I'm fine" he said trying not to wince at the pain in his side but Jac noticed
"Let me see" she said softly. Jac carefully lifted his t shirt to see the ugly purple bruise along his left side. She lowered her head and placed the gentlest of kisses on it.
Fletch sighed contentedly "that's much better" he whispered
"There's a lot about this afternoon that could have been worse" he said stroking her hair "luckily the boys hid, Ella didn't hang up and apparently you turned into some kind of ninja" he laughed
Jac chuckled "not gonna lie Fletch I was shitting myself" she continued seriously "he could have easily have killed us all"
After the pizza they all had an early night. The next day was Saturday but none of them felt like rushing around with classes and shopping etc and so were having a good old fashioned English fry up. No one had even bothered to get dressed "it's like Christmas Day " Jac commented "do you remember that first Christmas I spent with you lot ? I was horrified at first that no one got dressed on Christmas Day. That obviously wouldn't have been allowed when I was a child but I loved it"
The social worker arrived just as they finished.
Fletch filled her in with the details of what had happened and what the police had said.
"I'm sorry about this, there were suspicions that he had found the safe house but seems he's been following them" the social worker apologised
"It's OK" said Fletch. " no one's badly hurt and at least he's in custody now"
"That's true. How's Kieran?"
"See for yourself" said Jac leading her through to the garden where all 4 kids were playing football in their pyjamas"
" I just need a quick chat with him but he certainly looks happy. If he's OK and with his dad in custody are you happy to complete the placement"
"Of course" Jac and Fletch said together
Kieran went to speak to the social worker and Jac and Fletch sat on the decking watching their family.
"Anyway where's the secret hiding entrance?" Fletch asked
"If I told you I would have to kill you" Jac smirked
Fletch laughed "Hmm I'll think of a way to get it out of you" he said suggestively
"Mmm. I'll look forward to that" Jac commented entwining their fingers together

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