Nearly Christmas

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It was another few
months before they were called on again to look after someone. It was two days before Christmas. Fletch crashed through the door with presents feeling quite proud of himself that he had not left it till Christmas Eve like usual. Jac of course had bought and wrapped most of the presents by early December. Today was her last day at work before the break so he wasn't expecting her to be in.
"Hi" he shouted as he came in having not idea who would actually be in. He had spotted Jac's car though
"Jac? You in?"
He had her present in the bag so needed to know where she was
"I'm upstairs babe"
Fletch quickly hid the bags behind coats in the understairs cupboard and bounded up to his wife.
"Hey" he said finding her and Evie, who was home for Christmas moving her stuff into the girls room, Jac was changing the bed."What's going on?" He continued
"Well, Adrian, if you answered your phone you would know"
Shit I'm in bother she only calls me Adrian when she's annoyed
"Sorry, it died."
"Well we've got about half an hour before a 15 year old girl.... and her baby arrive"
"And her baby? bloody hell"
"Exactly so get sorted downstairs please and check on the spaghetti Bol that is on the stove"
Mum and baby. That's grim he thought,
especially at Christmas.
Jac joined him in the kitchen
"So what's the story?"
"Older  boyfriend disappeared as soon as she'd peed on the stick, mum's dead, dad kicked her out when he found out she was pregnant. Apparently he tried to beat the kid out of her first and she came to Holby to live with her maternal grandmother who has now had a stroke. Oh she's called Jenny. The social worker has taken her home to get a few things for her and her daughter Tilly"
"God, poor kid. And it's Christmas"
"Sorry if I was a bit short when you came in. Just hassled at work and then I got the call and you were missing in action. Evie stepped up. She knows we use her room for foster kids so she's going to have a mattress on the floor in Ella and Emma's room"
He embraced his wife and kissed the top of her head "she's going to Ben's parents on Christmas Day night, then aren't they going somewhere hot for week before the start of term"
"Yes- the engaged couple are off to the canaries. Makes you feel old doesn't it?"
"Oh absolutely ancient dear"
"Dear?" Jac laughed and batted him away.
"I can hear a car that must be them" Fletch observed
They both went to the door. What greeted them was a dark haired girl who looked younger than 15 with a car seat which had a very tiny baby in it fast asleep . A hassled social worker by her side
"This is Jenny and Tilly. In you go love this is Jac and Adrian but he'll only respond to Fletch" she chuckled
"Nice to see you again Ang" said Fletch "please come in and meet the rest of the family"
"Mr Fletcher, could you help me get a few things from the car?"
"Only if you don't call me Mr Fletcher. Sounds like my dad and he was a tool"
Ang laughed. She had breathed a sigh of relief when the Fletchers were assigned Jenny and Tilly. She had every confidence in them as a family
"Blimey for something so small,she's got a lot of gear" he huffed, laden down with travel cot, buggy, bottles and steriliser
"Does it bring it all back?" Asked Ang
"It's going on for 10 years since I've dealt with any of this stuff and my wife Nat did most of it back then. I'm a changed man now though" he grinned
"I'll just go and put the cot up in your room Jenny"
"Thanks" she said quietly

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