The Cafe

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I fell into step besides Steph and logic kicked into gear. Was it smart to be leaving with someone I barely knew? No, but then again how bad could she be, and anyone who was an enemy of Joe and Bri was a fried of mine. You know that saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and we could really fuck some shit up together...or something like that. Lord knows I needed to get as far away from this school as possible, at this point I'd probably embrace just about anything that would get me away from here. Maybe even prison...nah definitely not prison.

Stephanie stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at me through concerned eyes. She sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder, "I need to thank you for stepping in on my behalf even though it'll now  probably put both of us on their shit list." A kind smile graced her face, "I know it can take a lot of courage to stand up to your abusers." Her eyes glanced behind my shoulder at the school far off in the distance.

Panic seized my nerves. How did she know? Was it that obvious by my reaction to him whispering his terrible promises in my ear? "I'm not sure what you're talking about...I just did what was right. He deserved to be knocked down a couple of pegs." I knew I was avoiding the facts, afraid that if I admitted it to myself, that I'd never been able to escape the hopelessness that occasionally stole over my mind.

"It's okay. You don't need to explain to me if you don't want to. I could just tell from the way he looked at you. I've seen his type...the pure-evil in his eyes, the malicious intent in them was clear. Your reaction after he whispered something to you, only solidified my assumption that something was wrong. You're not alone in this ya know? I know we don't exactly know each other, but you standing up for me shows me more than enough about the type of person you are."

Yet again I found myself at a loss for what to say. Never in my life had anyone commented on the awkwardly noticeable tension between my stepbrother and I.

Hell, my parents even after seven years of my life, never paid any attention to my change in personality whenever Joe came around. His mere presence was an immediate off-switch on my good times.

After my noticeable silence as I pondered my thoughts, Stephanie piped up. "Hey, since we have class together soon, let's go to this café I know in town. It's a nice place to relax and since our class ends at eight I know damn well we could both use the caffeine." She shot me a small grin. She was right, these night classes were killer, on the upside they allowed me to prolong going home. Unfortunately for me, the school wouldn't let me stay in the dorms since we lived less than an hour away, which is why I saw my tormentor on a regular basis. At least taking the bus to school allowed me to avoid seeing him.

"Sure, why not?" I smiled at her. Despite everything that had just happened I was stoked for some liquid energy. Coffee is love; coffee is life.

"Great! This place makes killer drinks, you'll love it."

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