The Truth

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I reached into the hole and wrapped my hands around the box, the wood feeling cold to the touch. Brushing my hand over the top of it, I blew away any lingering dust and stared at the intricate carving burned into the lid. My heart tugged at what had been added to the design I had seen in the memory. In a cursive decorative font, was my name burned into the wood. I inhaled deeply, steadying my rising dread, before placing the box on the floor in front of me.

I could feel Deaths presence looming over my shoulder, close enough that his breath began to tickle the hairs on the back of my neck. "What is that? How did you even know that that was there?"

"It's hard to explain but she showed me."

"She?" Death asked, giving me a puzzled look.

"My grandmother." I paused and grabbed the box. "I think she wanted me to open this." Taking a deep breath, I steeled my nerves and flipped open the lid.

I peered in and took in the few things that were inside. A sealed envelope, a blank notecard, and an antique-looking necklace with a black jeweled pendant hanging from the chain.

I picked up the envelope and flipped it over while Death reached down and grabbed the necklace.

Protecting the flap on the back, was a red wax seal, a strange symbol I had never seen before, pushed into it.

Death studied the necklace in his hands, flipping it over back and forth. "I've never seen a necklace like this before. But...something about it makes me feel...uncomfortable," he said tersely.

Before he could say anything that may change my mind, in one quick motion I slid my finger under the flap, pulled at the seal, opened the envelope, and pulled out the paper. Unable to bear the excitement anymore, I unfolded the letter and began to read.

"My sweet Mia,

If you're reading this than I have unfortunately met my demise before you could learn the truth about our family.

Mia, you're special. And not in the way that most grandmothers feel about their grand-daughters but in a way that is much more important.

You are currently the last descendant in a powerful line that runs back millennia, prior to even the first religion. Those who are descended from that line are gifted power beyond a person's wildest imagination.

The power of purification.

Now this power isn't as simple as it sounds, nor should it be taken lightly. With this ability, you have the means to cleanse even the darkest of places with your light. To be able to locate and eliminate the wicked who possess the bodies of others. The power will manifest differently for each recipient, the owners' soul changing the powers very shape and form.

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