The Reflection

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The next few days carried on as normal as I had decided to stay at my grandmothers' for a little while. I thought it might be best, not to inform Steph or anyone else for that matter, about my run-in with Death and the Soul Eaters. Hell, I couldn't even begin to process the information myself.

When I opened my eyes Monday morning, the smell of pancakes and maple syrup filled my nostrils. School was closed today due to the girl's death at the club the other day. Apparently, she was a senior in the college and her parents were large benefactors.

I stretched as I slowly eased myself out of bed. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught my reflection in the mirror adjacent to the bed.

The past couple of nights had been rough for me and the dark circles under my eyes proved it. My dreams now being plagued by the horrifying Soul Eaters, I consistently tossed and turned throughout the night. I fixed my hair and opened the door, intent on following the scent trail towards the kitchen.

As I stepped closer, my ears picked up another voice besides my grandmothers. I stealthily tiptoed towards the wall just before the door and angled my head towards the conversation.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing you or anyone else can do." The strangers' voice said.

"I know." My grandma sighed. "I can hear her yelling and crying at night but when I go into the room to check on her, she's lying there peacefully as if I imagined it all. I'm very concerned for her well being."

"Strange. Very strange behavior."

I cleared my throat, letting them know I was nearby and entered the room. "Good morning," I said as I bent down and gave my grandma a peck on the cheek. "Breakfast smells amazing."

My grandma shot me a heartwarming smile as I walked over to the counter and filled a plate up with food. "Feel free to help yourself, love. There's plenty to go around." She motioned to the woman in front of her, who appeared to be in her lates sixties judging by her silver hair and faced adorned with wrinkles. "This here is Gwen. She's an old friend of mine. We go way back, practically prehistoric times."

Gwen chuckled, "Speak for yourself wench. I feel no older than I did 50 years ago." She extended a hand towards me. "Pleasure to meet you. Blanche has told me many things about you."

I placed my plate down on the table and grasped her hand, giving her a firm but friendly shake. "I hope nothing too bad."

Gwen's eyes glued onto our now clasped hands with her lips set in a straight line. She withdrew her hand and gave me a tight-lipped smile. "Of course not, though she did mention a certain predicament you've gotten yourself into."

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