The Tour

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As we walked down the spiraling staircase the air around me grew colder and thick with humidity. Not too far off in the distance, I could make out the slightest sound of water dripping. My eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness; the overhead sconces barely emitting enough light. The walls were a dark, wet brick and a musty smell seemed to grow the farther down we went.

I stopped walking down the stairs and placed a hand on my hip. "Alright listen up. I'm not going any farther down until you tell me where the hell I am. I refuse to be one of those stereotypical girls in a horror movie that dies in the most obvious situation. Next, you'll tell me that we need to split up," I said, air quoting the last two words.

My two escorts stopped and looked back at me.

"Ay, love me a girl with a bit of sass," Seamus said. He pointed back at me with his thumb and turned his head towards Raven. "I can see why the boss has taken a fancy towards her."

"I wouldn't mention it to him if I were you. You know how sensitive he can be about personal topics." Raven looked at Seamus with a blank expression.

Seamus blew out air and slyly smirked. "You know I never miss the opportunity to take the piss out of him."

"And look where you've ended up." Raven cocked an eyebrow. "Or have you forgotten where that blasé attitude landed you in the first place?"

Seamus' face turned to a serious expression, his entire demeanor changing. "Don't go thinking that just because you had some fancy wings and fairy glitter, that you're better than any of us here." He brushed past Raven who was standing a few steps before him and continued downwards. His voice echoed up the stairwell. "Let's get to steppin' boyo. No time like the present."

Raven shook his head and continued his journey down and around the staircase, and out of sight.

I stood there shocked, staring at the empty tunnel before me. "So I suppose no ones going to answer my question?"

In unison two voices drifted up to meet me, "Nope."

I rolled my eyes, sighed and hurriedly trotted down the stairs in order to catch up to them. When I finally reached the end of the stairwell, I was met by a humongous open ballroom. There were pillars holding up columns, and intricate designs and lettering that ran along the molding surrounding the room. The room wasn't what shocked me the most though. No. It was the thousands of people standing before me, all with their gazes locked in the direction opposite me.

On the other side of the great hall stood a dais a few feet off the ground and on that platform stood a woman that I had seen previously not too long ago.

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