The Message

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With each step we took, I stared at all of the pretty fallen leaves on the ground, carefully picking out the ones that would make the best crunch sound when stepped on. "Grandma?"

Eyes wise beyond their years, smiled down at me causing the corners of her lids to crease. "Yes, dear?"

"Why doesn't mommy ever say she loves me? Is there something wrong with me?"

The grip around my hand tightened and my grandmother looked me deep in the eyes, reaching down into the depths of my soul. She knelt down on her knees; her eyes level with mine. "Sweetie, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Your mother has become blinded... she's lost herself and is currently trying to find her way back. She loves you even if she may not always show it." She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a comforting warm embrace. "Never forget that I love you and that no matter what happens in this life or the next one-" she pulled back and placed a finger over my heart "-I will always be with you in here."

My eyes began to water as I watched the memory unfold right before me, my presence a mere phantom amongst them. From a third person perspective, it was so clear that my grandmother loved me with every ounce of her being. I can only imagine how much it must've bothered her, that her own daughter had been the cause of my misery.

The wind brushed against my skin in a comforting embrace and I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy this moment while it lasted. In the back of my mind, I felt a sense of urgency but couldn't determine the cause of it. I hadn't a clue how I had ended up here, reliving this memory in the flesh, but at this point in my life, nothing surprised me anymore.

The wind whipping around me picked up and my senses raised in alert as whispers began to fill my ears.

"Listen. Listen. See and learn."

I scrunched my face in confusion and opened my eyes, looking back towards where I had last seen the ghosts of my past. Surprise shook me as I realized I was no longer outside with my grandma and younger self, but now watching the two snuggled up on a couch, a photo album across their legs.

Though they hadn't seemed to notice my presence, I made sure my footsteps were silent as I came up behind them and peered over the back of the couch.

"Look here Mia," my grandmother said while pointing to a picture on one of the pages. "Do you know who that is?"

This is a memory I could never forget.

"No, Grandma. And who's the baby in that mans arms?"

Grandma leaned over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. "Well, sweetie. That baby there is you and that man is...well, he's your father."

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