The Stop

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We all woke up late that Sunday morning, deciding to treat ourselves by sleeping in. I had decided to keep my spontaneous late night encounter with the reaper a secret, concerned that I would further worry my friend and poor old grandmother to death.

I rolled my eyes inwardly whenthat thought first crossed my mind. I wasn't ready for him to start harassing them too.

The rest of the weekend went off without a hitch. Steph, my grandma and I, bonded over warm tea, a rainy day, and sharing stories amongst each other. Before we knew it, the time had flown by and all of us were soon yawning.

Steph glanced at her phone to check the time, "Holy crap, it's almost midnight. As much as I've thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you two, I have to make my way back home soon. My first class is at 8 am tomorrow and trust me when I say this girl needs as much beauty sleep as she can get." She angled her body towards me. "If you want, you can spend the night at my house or I can drop you off at your place. It's up to you."

I thoroughly considered her offer before deciding it was probably best to just deal with my parents since they were unavoidable. "You can drop me off at my parent's house. It is probably time I faced the music." I huffed. "Besides all my school stuff is there too."

We both hugged my gram goodbye and got in Steph's car, making our way over to my place. Before I knew it, time flew past us and I was back home and fumbling with my keys in the dark, standing awkwardly on my front porch. Before I could successfully find the right key, the door in front of me opened, revealing my mother in her robe, arms crossed and staring at me with disdain etched in her face.

I looked up and met her gaze with a sheepish grin. "Hi, mo-."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" she snapped and my smile faded.

I walked past her and our shoulders knocked together, which resulted in her body being pushed from its solid 'I'm-a-figure-of-authority' stance. The look of disgust on her face prompted me to wonder how high this impending argument was going to rank on the scale of complete bullshit.

She quickly turned on her heel and stalked towards me. My body jerked back as she grabbed my arm and tugged me closer to her. "Excuse me, young lady? I know I raised you better than that. Walking away from me, when I'm clearly talking to you." She said as she enunciated specific words.

I yanked my arm out of her grasp. "Oh please, I'm almost twenty-two and the only reason I'm still living here is because you wouldn't let me go away to college. Don't try and pretend like you care about me all of a sudden." I turned back around and made my way up the stairs, pausing at the last step. "I have one year left in college, so make the most of it, darling mother."

My mother's mouth was agape as I chanced one last glance at her. She had begun to say something but before she could get the words out, I was already in my room and closing the door. I had never spoken to her with that tone of voice, but with everything that has happened, my patience has reached a limit. I now have more pressing matters to worry about, with death practically at my door.

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