The Contrast

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With fire surrounding me and hope fleeting, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to succumb to the embers. With my last breath, I recounted all the decisions I had made up to this point. Had I really doomed all of my loved ones? Was I meant to suffer for eternity because of my selfish decision to end another's life?

The smoke eventually consumed my breath and I blacked out. Beneath my closed eyelids, I was greeted by a blinding white light.

Is this heaven?

My body was soon captured in a warm embrace and a comforting feeling overcame me, accompanied by the sweet smell of coconut. 

This must be heaven.

I finally opened my eyes eager to check out my new abode and found myself blinded by overly bright ceiling lights. I squinted my eyes and groaned, "Where am I?"

The warm embrace abandoned me and I was met with a familiar pair of concerned blue eyes. "Ah! You're alive!" I was hugged again, this time a little too tight.

"Am I dead? Because if not. I most likely will be soon." I coughed. "Steph I can't breathe."

She let me go and studied my face. "I'm sorry but when I got that weird text, I left class and ran over here like a fat kid promised free cake." She pointed behind her and lowered her voice. "Some random kid met me in the hall just outside and explained to me what happened."

All of a sudden Joel ran into the room and started speaking so fast his words came out as gibberish. I sat up and grabbed his arms, "Relax. I'm fine. Please tell me what happened?"

He cringed a little and ran his hand through his hair. "You're going to be mortified when I tell you."

I groaned, "Give it to me straight doc. Will I ever be able to show my face again?" I took a sip of water out of glass next to my cot.

He chuckled. "Probably not. You fell asleep in class and then out of fucking nowhere you were screaming like a banshee and thrashing about like a fish out of water. Damn near shit myself when it happened. We tried waking you up but when nothing worked, the teacher told me to take you here." He gestured to the room around us. "Me and the new kid were the ones who carried you here. I'm not too sure where he ran off too."

I almost choked on the water. "Please tell me you aren't referring to the new kid who started today."

"Why?" He smirked noticing my weird reaction. "Does someone have a small crush?"

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