The Fall

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I was standing in complete darkness with Joe. His eyes glaring at me as he stood a few feet away. I looked around me, turning my head in every direction.

There wasn't a light to be seen anywhere, yet my eyes were still able to clearly make out the two of us as if a full moon was illuminating our bodies. I looked down at my hand, my skin almost luminescent against the dark contrast of the blackness surrounding us.

Slowly my gaze traveled back towards him, only to see that he was no longer standing in front of me.

I arched my brows and blinked slowly. "Where am I?"


I took a few steps forward reaching outwards with my hands, further into the darkness, until I heard the sound of water splashing as my feet stepped into a shallow puddle.

Echoing laughter and then a voice answered, "You're in my world now."

Suddenly, the floor beneath me gave out and I was sinking into the water. I rapidly kicked my legs trying to reach the surface, but with every movement, my body sank deeper and deeper. Darkness and hopelessness consuming me, I gasped out in a panic, and water rushed into my lungs.

The water surrounding me began to spin like a typhoon, stealing any available air I had.

The moment before I lost consciousness my body slammed into the ground, my head hitting something hard. I began to profusely cough up the water that had invaded my body. My ears were ringing and my vision blurry from the blow to my head, which was now throbbing as well.

As I slowly began to regain my vision, my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room made of cement. My body now surrounded by water, as it dripped off all of my wet clothes.

A small whimper from somewhere in front of me had my heart almost jumping out of my rib cage. I squinted my eyes unable to see much.

I called out hoping that someone would be able to hear me. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Mia?" A voice said weakly.

The sound stopped my breath and my heart began to ache as I recognized the voice.

"St-Steph? Is that you?" I went to move towards her but felt weights press against my body. My sight traveled downwards to see that my wrists were now shackled where they hadn't been a moment before. "What is going on? Where are we?"

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